Chapter 32

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Lucy groaned as Virgo began rustling through her wardrobe, searching for a coat that would fit over the dress. The courtyard wasn't even that cold, so Lucy didn't understand why Virgo was being so particular. At this rate, she wouldn't be able to talk to her father alone like they planned.

"You guys just go, ok? I'll get my own coat." She motioned Happy and Virgo towards the window before rushing back to peak out of the door, trying to see if her father was coming.

"Are you sure you can do this alone, Princess?" Lucy turned to the maiden and nodded confidently.

"Yes, I have to do this. You can trust me." Virgo nodded once before she and Happy made it out the window, the exceed wishing a quiet "Good luck."

Lucy took in a deep breath as she picked up a random coat and walked out to stand in front of her room door. Her father will definitely be pissed, but she had to make this work. If she couldn't get through to him now, this'll never end. Natsu was close, she knew, and she hoped he wouldn't have to come to her aid during this. 

"Lucy." Jude quickened his steps when he caught sight of her, his eyes narrowing in frustration. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm not marrying that man." Lucy kept her stance confident, not backing down when her father stood right before her.

"I don't have time for this. Everyone is waiting outside in the cold, they've taken time out of their days to be here."

"Well that's too bad. I'm not the one who insisted on having this wedding, or having it outside or this early. You can bring them inside and have a reception, but I'm not getting married, and you can't make me."

Jude huffed, reaching a hand out to grab her forearm only to have it smacked away. Lucy glared up at him, "I said you can't make me. I'm leaving, father." 

"Now listen here-"

"No, you listen!" Lucy's voice raised in volume, "I'm not staying here. I'll be with Natsu, and that's final."

"You can't go back there!" Jude gaped at her. "They hate you there, it's completely unsafe!"

"Yeah, thanks a lot for that, by the way. Natsu's back now, and we'll be able to fix things eventually. I won't be going to Tartaros anyway." She crossed her arms as her father stayed silent, his expression pained. "You won't be controlling me any longer. I shouldn't have left without telling you, it caused too much unnecessary trouble. This time, you've received proper warning, and I don't expect you to be starting any more pointless wars over this."

Jude's eyes widened. "Lucy, you don't know what you're doing. If you leave right now, this kingdom will disown you.

"You're mistaken, father. I didn't want it to come to this, but I'm done with you. You forced me to be something I'm not, hurt Natsu, and threatened my child. I could never forgive you."

Lucy grabbed along the bust of her dress, ripping off the top layer and leaving a plain white bodice underneath. "I'm done being your pawn, and I'm done putting up with your bullshit." She put her coat on and made her way to leave, looking back at Jude when she realized he hadn't moved to follow her.

"And you can try and start another war over this if you want, but it won't be pretty for you. You've made a powerful enemy, and I will no longer hold back for you. Goodbye, father." 

As she strutted away and out of the estate, Jude watched on in silence. He fought the urge to follow her, unsure of himself. Once she was gone, he rushed over to look out of the window, his breath catching in his throat at what he saw.

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