Chapter 16

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Lucy sat on the edge of the large tub, trying to calm herself. She'd been feeling absolutely awful lately, and she was starting to believe it wasn't the food that was causing this. 

She'd just gotten done throwing up last night's dinner, and now everything on her body felt sore. To make matters worse, Natsu had already left for his conference. She was freaking out, just what was wrong with her? They'd already called and canceled her meet-up with Wendy, it'd be pointless since they'd be going out of the kingdom soon, but now Lucy really regretted it. 

She was all alone, Natsu was gone and Happy had already tried searching for some medicine for her, to no avail. Lucy didn't know what was wrong with her, and she wiped the tears from her eyes. Why was she crying so much?

Her tears didn't stop flowing, but Lucy took in a deep breath as she stood, her head up high. There was only one other person in this castle that she could talk to, and she prayed that she didn't run into any trouble on her way to his office. 

She kept her head up as she made her way through the halls, being sure not to look any of the servants or guards in the eyes. As always, they all immediately started gossiping about her the second they'd seen her, and at this point Lucy couldn't bring herself to care. 

Her steps grew in speed once her destination came into view, but before she could reach the door, she crashed into a solid figure. She squealed as she fell, but was relieved when someone caught her before she hit the ground. 

"Woah, be careful! Where are you going in such a rush?" Silver helped her to stand, and she smiled up at him. Just the man she was looking for! 

"Sir Silver, I need your help! I don't know who else to go to, and I'm honestly freaking out, please, do you think you can help me?" The man looked over Lucy's form, the blonde was pale, sweating, and it looked like she'd just thrown on any clothes in her rush to find him.

"Come into my office." He held the door open for her, cringing at the way she nearly collapsed in the chair across from his desk. 

Silver took his own seat and went to read her expression. The poor girl looked so miserable, just what could she be asking him for help for?

"Tell me what's wrong, concubine."

"Please, just call me Lucy. If I'm addressed as 'concubine' one more time…"

"Very well then, what's wrong, Lucy?"

Lucy took a deep breath as she tried to steel her nerves. She didn't know why she felt the urge to cry, but she rested her head back on the plush chair as she felt a headache coming on.

"I'm in a lot of pain… for a few days I thought the servants were just sabotaging my food, because I was constantly nauseous. But I started eating some of Lord END's food, and I'm still feeling sick. My body is starting to get sore, and I'm always so exhausted… I don't know what's wrong with me! Maybe the food that I did eat just had long lasting side-effects? I'm not sure, and my king canceled my medical appointment since we're planning to travel soon. I don't know what to do…"

Silver looked at her with wide eyes, slowly taking in what she'd told him. Did she really have no idea what these symptoms could mean?

"Lucy… when was your last cycle?" Lucy furrowed her brows at his oddly personal question. His face looked very serious, so she figured he knew something that she didn't. 

"I've never had regular cycles… I think my last one was a couple months ago, though… why?"

"...I, um… I think you might be pregnant…"

Lucy stared at Silver blankly for a solid minute, the room deadly silent. She replayed his words in her head over and over again. Pregnant…

She busted out laughing, shaking her head in amusement. "Pregnant? Pregnant!? No way, I can't be!" Her laughter faltered when she thought for a moment, "...or...could I..?"

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