Chapter 14 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


Natsu made his way to his chambers, ready to finally relax after being on his feet for 3 days straight. Coming back to Tartaros made him remember why he never went on vacations- there was always so much business to get done.

Happy finally started to ease up, which Natsu was relieved about since having him around made working much more bearable. He hadn't really gotten to spend time with Lucy, but Grandine had come over yesterday and got her on a birth control plan.

His face broke out into a large grin once he made it to his chambers. When we walked in, he caught sight of Lucy laying in the center of the bed reading something on the phone he'd gotten her. She was naked, and upon further inspection, he realized she was wearing jewelry, several pearl necklaces that draped across her chest and pearl bracelets on her ankles and wrists.

"Where'd you get the pearls?" He asked as he began undressing.

"Grandine, she's so sweet! I see where Wendy gets it from." She smiled as she put down her phone and rolled over to face Natsu as he approached the bed, the man now as naked as her. He joined her in laying on the bed, leaning in to kiss her and whisper, "so, she put you on birth control?"

"Mhm... I think so, she kinda just gave me a potion to drink and told me to check up with her in about 2 months..." Lucy trailed off, kissing along Natsu's neck and sucking on his pulse point.

" wanna try something new?" He mumbled, brushing his hands along the pearls that rested on her breasts. She straddled him then, feeling up his torso as she asked, "like what?"

He transformed into his dragon mode, scales forming along his features and sharp claws coming up to grip her ass. "You said you liked seeing me like this, yea? And I was thinking...maybe we could try the knot..."


Lucy flushed as she looked down at his cock, it was now thicker and had several ridges and a knot where it met his balls. She gulped, it looked like it'd be impossible to fit inside of her, but she was definitely willing to try.

"I'd like that, but you'll need to prep me first~" She got up and turned before hovering above him, her core inches above his face and his member inches below hers.

He chuckled darkly when she started wiggling above him, smacking one of her ass cheeks once before pulling her down to cover her clit with his lips. She moaned loudly as she reached down and began stroking him. She was intrigued by the feel of his dragon-cock, the ridges seeming to pulse whenever she ran her hand along them. Her excitement to have him inside her grew, and she snickered when he moaned loudly after she squeezed around his knot.

"Sensitive there, hm?" She whispered before leaning down and sucking on his knot roughly. He hissed before shoving his tongue inside of her. Two could play that game.

Lucy muffled her moans as she took in his cock, bobbing up and down and taking as much of him as she could. She faltered when Natsu started swirling and flicking his tongue. He was always too good at that.

"Fuck my face!" She moaned once she realized she wouldn't be able to focus on him if he kept licking her like that. He bent his knees, wasting no time in thrusting up into her mouth, his pace not too rough since he knew it'd be hard for her to take his member in this form.

He reached a hand in between them to pinch her clit as he stroked along her walls with his tongue, relishing in the way she moaned around his cock. Her core began to clench and spasm, and he recognized the signs of her orgasm.

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