Chapter 13

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This chapter does not contain smut, but there are some suggestive themes


"So, when do you think you'll get an heir?"

Natsu rolled his eyes. This was about the 6th time someone asked him something like that. It did make him realize he should probably have a talk with Lucy about what they'd do if she actually were to get pregnant, though. 

"I don't know, alright? When she's pregnant, you'll know, auntie." Grandine smiled at his answer before placing a hand on his shoulder and whispering "just keep her protected, ok?" and walking off with Wendy following behind. 

Natsu quirked a brow, that was a pretty odd thing for her to say, but he didn't get to think too much about it before Erza started up. "Lucy makes you happy, doesn't she?"

"Uh… yes? She's good to have around."

Erza and Irene shared a look, but Selene interrupted them before they could say what they were thinking. 

"Why is she your only concubine? 4 months is a long time to have one partner. I'm sure you'll get an heir much sooner if you had more than just the one."

Natsu stared at the moon dragon blankly, steeling himself as he cleared his throat. "I don't want Lucy just for the sake of having an heir. I enjoy having her in general, and I'm not interested in other concubines right now."

"I don't know, kid… you really should expand your opportunities. What good is a concubine who can't bear your child? She's a bit defective, and it's only a matter of time before you're tired with her." Selene smiled, her eyes flashing with mischief when she caught the way Natsu's eyes darkened. 

"Don't talk about her like that. I just told you I enjoy Lucy in general, she's more than just a concubine."

"'More'? Don't tell me you've gotten caught up with a concubine! Have you been thinking of courting her? I should've expected you to be such an amateur when it comes to this, not knowing the difference between a sex servant and a courtship!" 

Selene was quick to dodge the stream of fire Natsu sent her way, smirking once she realized he'd activated his dragon force. "Now, kid, let's not make a scene, hm? Ignia will be very upset if there's a fight at his ball and he didn't get to be a part of it."

Natsu's eyes bore into hers, and everyone on the balcony fell silent, many people leaving in hopes of not getting caught up in a dragon fight. Before Natsu could retort, he felt someone grab onto his arm. He turned to see Lucy, her expression confused and weary. 

"My… what have you gotten yourself into, my king?" She batted her lashes at him from behind her fan, effectively calming him down. He grabbed her hand and led her away from everyone, ignoring the knowing glances Irene, Erza and Selene were giving him.

"Natsu? What was that just now?" Lucy whispered, struggling to keep up with Natsu's pace as he seemed to be leading her to a specific room.

"It's nothing. Selene's just a bitch." He growled under his breath, faltering when Lucy whacked him on the back of his head with her fan.

"Don't say that, with all these dragons here someone will hear you! And where are you taking me?"

Natsu had already made it to his destination, quickly pulling her into a room and shutting and locking the large doors. 

"Natsu…?" Lucy looked around the room, realizing it was the music room.

"Play for me." 

"What? Now!?" 

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