Chapter 39 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


Natsu and Happy looked around in amazement, not believing their eyes. It was daytime, but the sky was filled with stars and small planets. The roads looked like they were made of glass, every surface sparkling and shining. 

"Is this… real?" Natsu mumbled under his breath, reaching out to touch a tree that looked like it was made of pure light.

"It's a beautiful kingdom, isn't it?" Lucy chuckled, leading the way as they walked through the castle gates. There was an orchestra playing from inside and streamers were littered about the building, a large banner draped above the door saying "Welcome Home" in an ancient dialect of the gods.

When Lucy opened the door, confetti popped and loud cheers sounded, the celestial beings welcoming the trio. Lucy laughed once she caught sight of Anna, they'd joked about having a party, and she didn't think they'd actually do it. 

Natsu and Happy continued to look around, both astounded by nearly everything. The castle looked as though it was made from crystal, and it was a little smaller than the fairy castle but definitely the tallest they'd seen. 

"Welcome to the celestial family!" A few staff members greeted the boys and presented elaborate jewelry to them. "And happy birthday!" 

Happy busied himself with looking through the necklaces and bangles they were given, all of them being a bit too big for him. "Look at how shiny this stuff is, Natsu!" 

The demon chuckled at the sight of Happy wearing oversized jewels, turning to Lucy when he heard her giggle beside him. "These traditions aren't too far from what I'm used to." He told her, then narrowed his eyes when he noticed she hadn't taken any jewelry herself. 

"How come you don't want any?" He motioned towards the jewelry. "Besides, it's your birthday."

"Well, they wanted to celebrate our birthdays together today, it's no problem for me. And… I don't want to wear any jewelry right now." Lucy's face was pretty unreadable. It was apparent that she was extremely happy to be here, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. 

"It was a long trip, come and have something to eat!" Anna guided them through the castle and to a huge dining hall with a big table in the center. There was a feast spread, and Natsu and Happy drooled shamelessly. "Help yourselves!" 

Natsu nearly shed a tear after taking a bite of some crab. "The food… it's so good…" 

"Aye!" The two stuffed their faces, Lucy and Anna giggling at their enthusiasm. Natsu glanced at Lucy and back at the table, his brows furrowing. 

He swallowed a big gulp of food. "You're not hungry?"

Lucy shook her head lightly, smiling, but her eyes still looked off. "I'll eat later."

Natsu put down the food to get close to her, staring into her eyes intensely. Lucy looked away awkwardly, taking a small step back. "Um…"

"Is something wrong?" 

"No..?" She laughed awkwardly, Anna and Happy now confused as they looked at them.

"Are you sure? You seem sad."

"I'm fine, really. There is something I wanna do before we look around some more, though. I'll be fast." 

Lucy took off her shoes before continuing down the hall. Natsu sighed as he watched her leave, there was definitely something wrong. Happy plopped down on his shoulder, the exceed thinking the same thing. "Is Lushi mad at you?"

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