Chapter 28

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The blunette flipped her hair over her shoulder as she entered the estate. After getting an "urgent" call from Virgo, the Zodiac soldier had to call off her date, and she was not in a good mood. 

"Lady Aquarius!" The angel guards looked over at her in shock as they stood at attention. It wasn't everyday that someone of such high status visited unannounced.  

Aquarius glared at each soldier, realizing that she didn't recognize them. Jude was hiring new staff? Shouldn't he be worried about his destroyed castles?

"Where's Virgo?" She didn't look up at the cowering staff as she strutted through the halls, her heels clicking with every step. 

"In the princess' room, ma'am!" 

Aquarius furrowed her brows as she made her way to the room. Why would Virgo be there? Unless…

The door swung open the second she walked in front of it, a pink haired maiden on the other side.

"You're late." Virgo said, holding the door so only her face poked out.

"I was busy. What do you want? And why are you here?" Aquarius went to check her nails, growing more and more uninterested with being here.

"The princess needs you." 

The water bearer narrowed her eyes in confusion. Virgo opened the door to reveal the dark room, a lump in the bed that stood in the center.

"...She's here? Didn't they sign a treaty?"

The maiden looked down solemnly before shaking her head silently, her face returning to its blank state. Aquarius sighed as she entered the room, turning on the light and swiftly tearing off the covers that sat over the bed.

"Gah!" Lucy squealed, curling into herself to hide from the light.

"Get your lazy ass up." The blonde jolted up to gape at Aquarius, staring at for a moment before flopping back down in the pillows. 

"I said-"

"I'm not in the mood, Aquarius." Lucy groaned. She'd been surprised to see her old governess after so long, but she couldn't bring herself to be happy for longer than a few seconds.

Aquarius smacked her lips as she sat next to her on the edge of the bed. "What the hell is your problem?" She scolded.


"Listen, brat. I just canceled my date with Scorpio to come here. We were in the mortal realm, they worship me there! And I'm not going to sit here and listen to you mope around when I could be getting pampered-"

"Then go. I don't want to bother anyone else with my problems." 

Aquarius looked over Lucy's sullen form. "Is she being serious?" She looked up at Virgo, the maiden motioning for her to do something. 

"...What happened?"

It took a moment for Lucy to muster the will to roll over and face the blunette, her gaze distant as she spoke. "So much has gone wrong in the past week. Or weeks, I dunno... time has been a blur lately."

"...For a moment, everything was perfect. I had my Natsu, and we were in love. I think I was convincing him to change things around Tartaros for me, but I'll never know." 

The blonde let out a shaky breath as the memories came back to her. She closed her eyes, trying to compose herself as she continued. "Father ruined everything. As if the war wasn't bad enough, he… he killed him!"

Tears fell down Lucy's face, Aquarius looking down at her with an uncharacteristically soft expression. "He'll be okay, though… Zeref can fix him… But all of this made the entire Tartaros castle blame me for it. They were gonna hurt me- I had to run! I… I wasn't sure where I was going to go, but I ended up waking up here after Virgo found me."

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