Epilogue 1 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip

"Papa!" Natsu had to lean against the wall to stop from falling when a little head of pink hair jumped into his arms.

"Woah! Hey Nashi, did you miss me?" 

"Yeah!" Nashi giggled as she hugged him and rested her head on his shoulder when he adjusted his hold on her to carry her properly. "Guess who came to visit!" 

Nashi's head perked up as she looked around excitedly, trying to find who her dad was talking about. "They're outside, silly." Natsu chuckled as he walked through the halls and to the back gates. He set Nashi down once they made it to the garden, grinning when he caught sight of one of their guests. 

"Yo!" He waved as they walked up to him, Nashi gasping and running up to them when they were close enough. 

"Zerie!" She giggled, hugging her uncle's leg. "Hi~"

"Hello, Nashi." Zeref kneeled to pet her on the head. "You've gotten big." 

"Augie?" She looked past him. "Augie here?" 

"August is with Aunt Mavis. You want to find him so you can play?" Nashi nodded, already turning to run back into the castle, leaving Natsu and Zeref in the garden.

"I see she's as energetic as ever." Zeref smiled. "I'm glad we could visit after so long." 

"Me too. Nashi really loves seeing August, too." They started to walk through the garden trail. "She was so upset when he wasn't there during our last visit to the fairy kingdom."

"How's Lucy been? I hope she's been able to adjust to being a queen by now." 

"She's still getting used to having less free time, but she's a total natural. It helps that Anna stuck around, too." 

The brothers stopped to sit on a bench, looking on at the scenery in a comfortable silence. Zeref reached in his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box. Natsu was confused when he handed it to him, even more so when he opened it to reveal 2 matching diamond necklaces. 

"It's for Lucy and Nashi. I had them made while I was in Alvarez." 

Natsu picked up the jewelry, noticing that they each had a pendant shaped in the girls' first initials. "Thanks, but how come I don't get a pretty necklace?"

"I gave you the gift of life already."

Natsu rolled his eyes and nudged his brother. "Yeah, yeah… thanks, though… I think they'll like them."

It got silent again, the two content with being in each other's company. Natsu and Zeref hadn't been together in about 6 months, both having been too busy. Zeref rested his hand on his little brother's head, waiting until he turned to look at him before he spoke.

"I love you, Natsu." He looked into his eyes, causing Natsu to look away awkwardly. 


"I realized that I don't normally tell you that. You deserve to hear it. You're my precious baby brother, you know?"

"Dude…" Natsu chuckled awkwardly as he took Zeref's hand off his head. "It's okay, talking about how you feel isn't really your thing, I get it. It sounds weird hearing you say something like that." 

"I've been working on that." Zeref smiled, proud that he was able to express himself. He pulled out a locket from his pocket, presenting it to Natsu. "I actually did get you something, but I wasn't sure if you'd like it." 

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