Chapter 19

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"There you are! Here, bundle up. It's much colder in the fairy kingdom during winter." Mavis shoved a bundle of clothes in Lucy's arms, smiling sadly as she took in the girl's pale appearance. 

"Hey, are you ok? You look a bit ill. If you don't want to come, it's fine." 

Lucy sighed, she was having a rough morning, but that wasn't anything new. "No, I want to come, I've just had horrible morning sickness." She didn't notice the way Mavis gaped at her as she turned to go to her room to change. 

As she got dressed, Lucy grinned at her reflection in the vanity mirror. She wore black leggings and a thick salmon sweater. She couldn't remember the last time she wore pants, and Lucy was definitely feeling this look. When she finished putting on her brown ankle boots, she stood and tied her hair into a side ponytail, throwing on a confident expression as she made her way back to the entrance room. 

"Aw! You look really cute! Are you ready to go?" Mavis held Lucy's hands once she nodded silently, leading her outside and to the airship. Lucy kept her gaze down, her brows furrowing when she caught sight of Mavis' bare feet. "Where are your shoes..?" She mumbled, but the queen heard. "Shoes are overrated." She giggled, and Lucy couldn't help but think her bubbly personality was very endearing. Zeref was already inside the airship, and he helped Mavis board while sparing Lucy a look of indifference.

"This should only take about 4 hours. Is there anything I could get you?" Mavis sat next to Lucy as the airship took off, and Lucy noticed the worried look in the queen's eyes. 

"Thank you, I'm fine." She idly rubbed at the magic sealing bracelet on her wrist, flinching when Mavis reached over and took it off before standing to sit next to her husband. 

"There's no need for this." She said softly as she discarded the bracelet. "Just let me know if you need anything, okay?" 

Lucy nodded as she rubbed at her now exposed wrist, wondering what drove Mavis to remove the bracelet. She leaned her head on the window by her seat, and she thought about Natsu as she watched the world pass by. If he were here, she wouldn't be so nervous. 

"Why'd you do that?" Lucy heard Zeref, though it wasn't like he was trying to be quiet.

"She doesn't need to wear it." Mavis seemed surprisingly irritated. 

"How would you know that?"

"Oh come on. She's clearly harmless, and quite frankly, I think she's too nervous to try anything anyways."

"I think you trust too easily. You've hardly even spoken to her."

"Well I had been trying to talk to her last night. Y'know, before you sent her off."

"I don't like it when you speak so casually with those of lower ranks. I know you mean well, but you come across as a pushover." 

Mavis scoffed but said nothing more, and Zeref's words gave Lucy an idea of how Tartaros turned out the way it did. She slumped down in her seat, hoping this trip would go by quickly.


Lucy found herself smiling for the first time in a while as they made their way towards the fairy castle. She walked a bit behind Mavis and Zeref, thankful that no other guards or anyone were accompanying them, as it made her feel more normal than she ever had. 

The castle was beautiful, and it was the brightest one she'd seen- after the celestial castle, of course. Mavis was right, too, it was exceptionally colder here, and Lucy was happy to see that it began to snow. She reached a hand out to collect a few snowflakes, and she couldn't help but imagine spending winters here with Natsu, the demon keeping her warm as they watched the snow fall.

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