Epilogue 2

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The breeze swept through Nashi's braided hair as she sat on top of the large fountain. She had the high ground, and these amateurs wouldn't know what hit them. She stood up, eyeing her victims before leaping into the air. Her leg shot out in a kick, and she timed it perfectly- positioning to hit the target at the perfect angle. 

Suddenly, her breath hitched as she was caught mid-air. Her eyes were dizzy before she came to, realizing that something was holding her by the scarf.

"What were ya trying to do? Break your leg?" 

She groaned, dropping her head and swiping a hand down her face. "Papa! You totally ruined my sneak attack!" 

Natsu tsked as he set her down. "Don't go doing crazy stuff like that. Your mom would be pissed if you got hurt." 

"I just wanted to kick Griege in the head…" Nashi pouted, but he was right. Mama hated whenever she did dangerous stunts. 

"Ha! You couldn't land a hit on me, anyway." Griege snickered as he crossed his arms. "I could dodge you from a mile away."

"Please don't start fighting…" Elizabeth walked up and shook her head. "It's a nice day today. I'm not in the mood for mass destruction."

Griege rolled his eyes and Nashi stuck her tongue out. "You're no fun, Lizzy." 

"She's right, though. I came out here to tell you that lunch is ready, by the way." Nashi gasped and her eyes shone in excitement. "Lunch!" As she skipped inside, Natsu couldn't help but chuckle. The kid always was too excited about food.

He went back inside after the rest of the kids, letting them go to the dining hall on their own as he left to continue searching for the others. There were so many people in the castle now, it was almost impossible to get everyone together to eat. 

"It's lunchtime, guys!" He shouted into the library, startling the bookworms who were reading. 

"Geez, don't you know you're supposed to be quiet in a library?" Gajeel growled. 

"...You're reading a picture book…"

"I'm reading to the kids, dammit!" The children in the room giggled and began scurrying away. "Thanks for ruining it." 

"Hey, if you don't wanna eat then be my guest. You better get moving though, Nashi's already in the dining hall and she'll probably eat up everyone's serving."

"Damn kid's too much like you." Gajeel rolled his eyes and picked up his youngest son before leaving, Natsu taking his words as more of a compliment than an insult. 

He poked his head into the music room, his ears ringing when he opened the door. The kids were playing… something… each of them using a different instrument and playing a different melody.

"It's lunch time, everyone!" Natsu had to shout over the loud noise, and he frowned when it seemed as though no one heard him. Wendy heard, though, and she stood up and clapped her hands- causing everyone to stop.

"Did you hear that? It's time to eat!" The kids cheered and put away their instruments, leaving Natsu a little envious of Wendy's natural ability to tame them.

"Papa!" A strawberry blonde haired boy pulled on Natsu's overcoat. "Mama said she can't eat lunch with us…"

"...Aw, Mama is pretty busy, huh?" Natsu sighed as his son began to pout. "Why don't eat your lunch in Mama's room? She'll like to have you around, Aki." 

The little boy grinned before running to join the others, leaving Natsu trailing behind. He'd have to ask Lucy about what Aki was saying. He knew she'd been dealing with important business lately, but she was always the main person wanting to eat with the whole court. He detoured to their bedroom, opening the door quietly. 

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