Chapter 15 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut. I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


The vibration of his phone had Natsu jolting up. He'd been sitting through a conference in the spirit realm discussing trading matters, and was extremely bored.  He was excited to excuse himself from the room and take the call, regardless of who was on the other end. 

He stepped into the hall and furrowed his brows when he noticed it was a video call, but when he saw the contact name, he quickly rushed to his private seating room to answer. 

"Hey~" Natsu grinned widely when he saw Lucy's face.

"Hey princess! You know I'm in the middle of a conference, right?"

"Oh, my bad! I'll just call at another time-"

"No! Please, I needed an excuse to get out of there…"

Lucy giggled, angling the phone so that her upper half was visible, showing off her nude state.

"Whatcha been up to..?" Natsu tried not to give into her teasing. 

"Mhm… me and Happy played every instrument in the music room, you should've seen how angry all the other servants were! Jealous bitches…"

Natsu laughed at Lucy's language, it sounded so cute whenever she cussed. "They could play the instruments too, if they wanted. Too bad none of them know how, though." 

"I really only did that because they were picking on me. Guess they noticed I'm no longer wearing the collar...I just wanted something to rub in their faces, since they're so obsessed with calling me 'worthless'." 

He frowned at her words, he'd held an assembly to inform the staff that picking on each other would get them kicked out, but they probably didn't take him seriously. They'll just have to learn the hard way.

"I'm sorry about that, baby. I'll deal with it."

"It's fine, I can handle it. And what's with you calling me 'baby' lately?" She giggled at his flushed face, "You're so cute… will you be home tonight? I didn't wanna eat dinner without you…"

"Yea, I'll be home soon, so don't worry. Is Happy asleep already?"

"Yep, poor little guy burned himself out trying to play the xylophone." The two shared fond laughter as they thought of their blue little companion. 

Lucy suddenly blushed as she bit her lip, idly rubbing against her bare breasts. Natsu was immediately distracted by her movements, and he felt a twitch in his pants.

"Stop tryin' to seduce me, ya freak." 

Lucy let out an airy giggle as she propped the phone up so that it captured her full body as she laid on her side.


"I'm sorry, I was just… I started to miss you, so I went to call you and see if you were free, but if you have to get back to your conference then-"

"Luce… is that a dildo?" 

The blonde's flush darkened as she nodded, bringing the toy up to her slit and rubbing circles there. 

"I said I missed you, Natsu…" 

The two stared at each other in silence before Lucy finally picked her movements. She began stroking the thick dildo inside of her, getting a little lost in the sensation as she started moaning softly.

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