Chapter 21

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Lucy buttoned up the last of her navy blue blazer as she finished getting ready, admiring how she got to wear pants and boots again. 

Today marks the start of the war, the angels have been trying to invade Tartaros, and while their forces were distracted by the demon army, Natsu, Lucy, and the team of designated fairy soldiers would go to the angel castle to confront Jude. 

Jude was never a fighter, all bark and no bite, and Lucy knew that he'd be hiding away in his castle during all the commotion. There would likely be forces surrounding the kingdom, but only Lucy needed to get close to her father, so it'd be okay.  

Natsu wrapped his arms around her waist, and Lucy relaxed in his hold. "You ready?" She turned to face him and planted a kiss on his lips before sighing. "Ready as I'll ever be…"

The two made their way outside to meet up with everyone, Natsu keeping Lucy close to protect her from the cold air.

"Does everyone remember the plan?" Mavis asked from where she stood on a balcony, overlooking the team that formed outside. "The reinforcements have already been sent to Tartaros. Remember, you're not to initiate any fight unless absolutely necessary. Good luck." She watched as they boarded an airship, some more anxious than others.

The group of fairy soldiers was small, consisting of just Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Wendy, and the exceeds. They didn't want to seem threatening, so they were going in with little forces. It wasn't like this team should be underestimated, though, as they were each known to be powerful fighters. 

Lucy pulled her hair into a high ponytail as she watched the scenery pass by through the window. "You gonna be okay?" Gray leaned against the wall beside Lucy, gouging her expression. 

"I'll be fine. I'm honestly just dreading talking to my father at all, it's so hard to get through to him. Honestly, I'm worried I'll have to hurt him, that wouldn't be pretty." Gray chuckled at the thought of Lucy fighting. He didn't want to underestimate her, but she just seemed a little on the pacifist side.

"I hope things don't get too ugly, too. I don't like Juvia being out there while she's pregnant…" He let his words linger, hoping he was insinuating his concern to Lucy. She understood what he was saying, and she glanced back to make sure Natsu wasn't listening as she whispered,"I know, I haven't told him yet and I really wanted to, but I can't. He'd never let me do this if he knew. I already know my father wouldn't physically hurt me, but Natsu wouldn't understand… I'll tell him when this is all over, okay?"

Gray sighed, it was too late to go back anyway. He patted her on the back as he left to sit down, leaving her looking out the window alone. As she watched the world go by beneath them, she took a deep breath, feeling her magic flowing through her.

She'd hate for things to get ugly, indeed.


Lucy led the way as everyone filed out of the airship, walking towards the large castle. The sight made bile rise in her throat, and she was sure it wasn't just because of her morning sickness. For too long she'd been trapped in this very castle, and she was ready to put an end to this. 

As they made it to the royal property, everyone faltered in their steps upon seeing the soldiers guarding the palace. They weren't angels guards like they had expected, but they were reinforcements from the celestial kingdom. 

"Lucy..?" A soldier muttered in disbelief, slowly approaching the group. "All of you… damn…"

"Hello, Loke." Lucy smiled sadly. It was a shame the celestial kingdom had been brought into this mess. She was sure her father had asked for them knowing it'd make things that much harder for her. 

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