Chapter 29

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Natsu crossed his arms as he studied each of the 9 Demon Gates at the table. After waking up from a week-long coma, finding out his room had been destroyed, not being able to speak with Happy as the exceed was recovering from "mysterious" injuries, and not having any idea where Lucy was, the demon king was in the worst mood. 

"What happened to Lucy?" He directed his question to Jackal, the demon having coincidentally been injured recently. 

"She… She attacked me!" Jackal's eyes were watery and his body shook, the other gates supporting him by butting in with their own explanations.

"My lord, we had always known she was dangerous, it was only a matter of time before this happened." Mard Geer said cooly. Natsu growled, he wasn't in the mood to hear any of this shit.

"Jackal. What happened with Lucy?" Once again, Jackal shrunk back in his seat after being addressed. 

"She lured me into your room- I kept trying to tell her that I wasn't allowed in there, but she pulled me in! I asked her what she needed, and she totally came on to me! She tried to seduce me, but I knew better- I tried to get out of there as fast as I could. Then, she started attacking me! I tried to hold her off, and I asked Sir Happy for help when he passed by the room, but she struck him! I was between a rock and a hard place, but before I could figure out what to do, she killed me…"

Natsu stared at him blankly, the longer he stared the more Jackal began to sweat. Suddenly, the king burst into laughter, each Gate looking on with wide eyes.

Natsu laughed so hard he cried, and the more he thought about Jackal's story, the more hilarious it became. He abruptly slammed his hands on the table, the sleek wood cracking and his humoured expression morphing into a deadly one.

"I needed that laugh, but I'm not really in a good mood right now, so I'll ask you one more time; What the fuck happened with Lucy?" 

Jackal looked unsure of himself as he mumbled, "That is what happened, my lord…"

"You don't know Lucy like I do, so I'd expect your lie to be as far-fetched as it is. She'd never initiate any violence, and she wouldn't do anything in the only room she's safe in. And striking Happy? The only one who loves Happy as much as me is her, that's probably the dumbest thing you could've told me. Now, I want to know why she's not here, and what exactly happened."

The gates looked around awkwardly, the only one who knew the full story is Jackal, and he seemed to be choosing to stay silent.

Silver cleared his throat, realizing this discussion wasn't going anywhere and the king was losing his patience. "I'm not sure what happened, but Lucy's gone because… Well, they say that she, um, she committed suicide… but I don't think-"

"What?" Natsu turned to the ice demon, his eyes softer than before as he silently prayed he had heard him wrong.

"They say she jumped from the hole in your room and fell to her death. Personally, I feel like that's not what actually happened, they weren't even able to find a body or remains at all. Though, even if she actually didn't kill herself and we're being lied to or tricked, she's still not anywhere near Tartaros, we've searched all over the kingdom."

Natsu's brows furrowed as he thought over Silver's words. Lucy can't be dead, right? But, even if she's alive, she's gone, and no one knows what happened to her…

"Lord END!" Natsu flinched out of his thoughts, realizing that Silver had a hand on his shoulder and something smelt like it was burning. He hardly registered the singed table as he turned to glare at Jackal. "What the fuck did you do to her!?" 

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