Chapter 9 - NSFW

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This chapter contains smut
I will separate the smut scenes with "xxx" if you wish to skip


Natsu stood in the entrance room, unable to contain his excitement. He'd been counting the days leading up to now, and he was absolutely ecstatic.

He'd traveled to the dragon kingdom and would be staying there for the week until the ball. The dragon kingdom was huge, and he was glad they were able to stay in the fire lands, his father's castle. Natsu was even more happy that Ignia would be at his own castle, so he'd be able to enjoy his trip back home without any complications.

He stood in the entrance room, waiting for his father. Igneel had been out at the time Natsu arrived, and the demon king wanted to surprise him. There were a few servants that came along with him- his tailors and Lucy- and he wished his blonde companion could meet his father along with him. As a concubine, she was sent straight to the chambers Natsu would be staying in, so she'd have to meet Igneel some other time this week. Happy was here, though, and the blue exceed was just as excited as Natsu.

The grand doors opened, and a few guards filed in before Igneel. The man was in his dragon form before entering the castle, and once he did, his eyes widened in surprise.


Natsu greeted him with a flaming fist, that Igneel caught, of course.

"Long time no see, dad!"

Igneel crushed Natsu in a tight hug, nearly choking him.

"Natsu! It's been so long! And it's great to see you too, Happy!"


He released his son, and Natsu took in some much needed gulps of air. Igneel examined him, noting that he looked the same as he did last time, not changing in the 2 years since they'd seen each other. His eyes widened when he caught sight of a mark on Natsu's neck, but he decided he'd ask about that later.

"I'm so glad you could come! I know you may not be looking forward to going to the ball, but I want you to make yourself at home here in the meantime. Have you two just come by yourselves?"

"I brought my tailors and, my concubine."

Igneel's face broke into a wide grin, chuckling when Natsu began to blush.

"Ah yes, 'Lucy'... I can't believe you've finally come around! I'd honestly thought it was just a rumor, but when your cousins came back and told me about her, I just couldn't wait to meet this woman who managed to make you change your mind!"

Natsu looked away, tucking his face in his scarf. He groaned when Happy began to snicker beside him. He steeled himself, deciding he did not want to be embarrassed right now.

"You'll meet her soon, but not now. And please try not to scare her... she's come from Tartaros, so you can imagine she's a bit on edge. Also, she's a great person, and I don't want her to ever feel like she's not."

Igneel was impressed with Natsu's protectiveness over this woman. Of course he'd make friends with his concubine, it may be the only way Natsu would be able to have one. He nodded, a proud smile adorning his face.

"Of course! I'll make sure she feels comfortable during her stay here. Happy, why don't we get something to eat? I'll have a servant bring your food to your chambers, Natsu, until Lucy is comfortable with eating in the dining hall."

Natsu nodded as he left to his room. He couldn't wait to show Lucy around, this castle being one of the two he grew up in. He imagined bringing her to the fairy kingdom would be more exciting, seeing as it was his last home before Tartaros and all his friends were there, but he'd have to plan that trip another time. They were already taking a big risk by coming here, what with the angel kingdom being on the search for Lucy, but they hadn't heard of any angels near the dragon realm, so they decided it'd be safe here.

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