Chapter 37

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Natsu and Zeref stood in silence for a moment, preparing themselves for what was about to happen. Natsu's eyes darkened as he began to remove his scarf and shirt. Zeref walked over to one of the bookshelves in the room, pulling out a book before the two exited the room and headed towards the dungeon. The Spriggan made sure to leave August with Anna, his son not ready to experience something like this just yet.

They were quiet, more and more servants coming into view the further down they went. No one dared to get in their way, knowing exactly what was about to go down. 

The sound of chains clinking together echoed through the dungeon, the only occupant leaning against his restraints.

Jackal slowly looked up, already knowing his fate as the brothers looked down at him. 

"Explain yourself." Zeref asked as he opened the book in his hand, already starting to write something. 

"I… I was only trying to defend my king's honour. I misjudged the angel… I'm sorry…" Jackal's voice was hoarse, he'd been locked down here for 6 weeks as he awaited his punishment. 

"You entered the king's room, and hurt the king's squire. Regardless of your intentions, the way you went about it was completely unacceptable."

"You touched her." Natsu's body began to heat up as he was surrounded by black smoke, his teeth sharpening and his pupils narrowing. Zeref did not stop him as he activated his END form. 

"No one touches her.

Jackal's skin felt as though it'd melt right off as END approached him. He couldn't move his body, whether this was the effects of Zeref's writing or the fact that he's frozen in fear, Jackal didn't know.

Zeref closed the book, his work complete. Jackal will not be causing any more harm. The Spriggan smiled darkly as he watched his little brother give him what he deserved. 


Lucy carried Happy as she strutted down the halls, her smile wide and fake. She knew the servants would be in the courtyard- that's where they went whenever Natsu asked for them to be off duty. 

She opened the back gates, breathing in the crisp, early March air. The staff were all sitting along the grass and statues in the yard, glancing up when they heard the sound of Lucy's heels approaching. 

"Hey guys~" The blonde waved, holding in her laughter at the shocked and horrified expressions the staff wore. They all began to whisper amongst themselves, not bothering to hide their panic.

"L-Lady Lucy…" One servant finally spoke up, kneeling before her. "We're so sorry… please spare us." 

The rest of the staff began to bow and kneel, and Lucy felt her resolve faltering. She felt pretty bad, it didn't sit right with her to see them so afraid, but as she glanced down at Happy, she changed her mind. These servants made her entire stay here a living hell, they bullied and sometimes even hurt her. They had no respect, and a little apology wouldn't make up for all that they did. Happy glared at them, and rightfully so, these guys were a bunch of assholes!

"Remember what you all told me? That Natsu only wanted me for sex?" The servants kept their heads down. "Well, you were wrong~" 

"We're sorry… Please forgive us, my queen." Another one spoke up, and Lucy scoffed. 

"You aren't sorry, you'd do it again if you could. I don't know why you all act this way, apparently you treated Mavis like shit, too?"

They looked up at her in surprise, not having heard of Queen Mavis in a long time. "We… were jealous. Both of you came as servants, and even though so many of us had more experience, the kings chose you…" A servant confessed, the others nodding in conformation. 

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