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Third Person's POV

"Felix" our teacher called him

He went to her and vowed.

"I understand that you want to help them. You have high grades. Why help them? You can just leave them alone and let them do all the work" she said and started playing with her pen

"They are my friends for a long time. I spent half of my life with them. Why should I let them down? Why should I not help them?" Felix said and he felt uncomfortable. This was not the first time that she attempted to tell Felix to let his friends fail. After their friend passed away, no one tried to tell them about their failing grades except for their music teacher. She would always tell Felix to let them fail and they are not worth the help. But Felix will always be Felix. He rejected her suggestions and now he is done with this teacher. He will put an end to this.

He won't let anyone ruin his friends' future.

She smiled and looked at me "I see. You really care for them more than you care for yourself. Don't be offended. I was just trying to help you"

"You're not helping me. I'm sorry but you just offended me also yourself. You are our music teacher and you don't have anything to do with filming. Why are you trying to interfere? You tried to do this for a lot of times and I would never get tired of rejecting your suggestions. I'm sorry for being so disrespectful right now. I need to go" 

He vowed and left her classroom. He went to the cafeteria to look for Hyunjin. Maybe he just skipped class but he is not in the cafeteria. Felix saw Jisung eating alone at the corner, many tried to sit with him but he would tell them to go. Changbin is buying something at the counter while Minho wasn't here. He saw Chan busy with his phone, Seungmin is reading a book. Lastly, Jeongin is eating with Yen, the one who joined his team to help with props. Where is Hyunjin? 

He saw Jeongin looked at his direction. He just smirked at him and looked away. Until when are they going to keep doing this? Felix sighed and left the cafeteria. He went to the production room and took his bag with him. He went to the rooftop and sat on an empty chair and table there.

He opened the bag and saw the tape he is keeping for a long time. It was the tape he saw in Zatie's room when he visited Hyunjin once. She filmed it for them while they were having fun.

 She filmed it for them while they were having fun

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He kept analyzing the tape...

He kept analyzing the tape

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If only Zatie was there. Are they still going to be ruined or they are having fun like how they all used to?

It was so hard for everyone after what happened. He is trying to be strong for them. He doesn't want them to see that he is also having a hard time or else it will be more harder for him to help them move on. He wasn't expecting that Hyunjin was the first to accept what happened. He thought Hyunjin will be the one who will give up but he is not.

He stood up and went to the railing part of the rooftop. He took his recorder with him and started to record the view in front of him. There's a lot of questions going through his mind but he can't and he doesn't have the guts to ask.

 There's a lot of questions going through his mind but he can't and he doesn't have the guts to ask

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Shit happens. Everything was ruined and no one knows when will it be okay. For two years, he is trying to be strong for them but what if he gives up now? Are they going to save him like how he saved them?

"Hey" Klaire called as he touched his shoulder

"What are you doing here?" Felix asked

Klaire smiled "You said today will be the first day of filming. I want to watch it"

"How can we film? I am the only one here. Should I film myself instead?" Felix chuckled

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Yen shouted as he ran to Felix and Klaire "W-Where are the others?"

"I don't think we will continue the film today. Let's just-" Felix stopped talking when he saw someone appeared in front of him "Changbin"

Changbin is playing the ball on his hand "Am I late?"

"No, you're just in time" Klaire said and smiled at him

"Wow. This is hell. I'm excited!" Yen shouted

"So, when are we going to start if not today?" Changbin asked and sat on the table carelessly "Hmm?"

"First, we have to plan what film we should use. Second, the script we will use. Third is the characters and lastly we will film" Klaire said and started walking back and forth

"Uh, I have a suggestion. What if let's use the On Track short film? I mean let's do a film that will continue the story of On Track? But uh... We need a female lead" Yen said and pouted

"Klaire can be the female lead" Heejin said as she entered the scene "I'm Heejin, a volleyball player"

"The one who won and forced me to join" Changbin said and looked away

Heejin smirked "You're welcome, Lee Felix. I'm glad he joined. Anyway, I'll help if there's anything I can help you guys with"

"You can help Yen with the props" Changbin

"No worries" Heejin answered

Felix can't help it but smile. He is not alone anymore. He has Klaire, Heejin, Yen, also Changbin and Hyunjin...

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