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Minho's POV

"I-I'm sorry" Seungmin whispered and started crying as he kneeled in front of us

I saw how frustrated Hyunjin is. I badly want to do something but I can't even move. I have a lot of questions. I want to know if my Father really did it.

"Seungmin" Changbin called and tried to comfort him

Chan gave a heavy sigh "Everyone in this classroom please leave now. I will talk to the teacher"

I can feel my eyes started gettinf teary but I can clearly see my classmates going out one by one. Why does it hurt? I can't believe this is happening to us now. It's all because of my Father. How can he do this to his own son? How...

I carried my bag and was about to go when Jeongin held me "Let go"

"We have to talk this out. You can't just leave" Jeongin

"I have things I need to figure out" I removed his hand harshly and left the classroom

I continued walking even though I am crying like a kid. I don't care if everyone is looking at me. I just want things to be cleared at once. I don't know why my Father did this to me. I promised to do everything he wants. Why did he have to come this far? Why???

I got in my car and started driving to my house. I don't know what to do. I just want to know what he did that. Why the hell is he always against my happiness?

Chan calling...


[Lee Minho, don't do anything stupid. We will talk to you later. For now, you have to focus on yourself. We will talk to Hyunjin and Seungmin about what happened]

"I'm sorry. I am r-really sorry for what he did"

[It wasn't y-your fault]

I ended the call and continued driving the car.

I parked it in front of my house and went inside. I saw no one there but our maids. I went straight to his office but he is not there as well. I know he is hiding something more to me.

I went to his table and started searching. I opened every drawer but nothing was in there connected to Zatie. There is one drawer that can't be opened. I used a rock and successfully destroyed the drawer. I saw a document from the same hospital where Zatie was confined.

    A legal agreement between Mr. Lee and H**** International Hospital.

   This agreement will be a secret from others. This agreement is to stop treating a patient named Yoon Zatie in exchange of donating 10 million dollars to the hospital.

Signed by:

Mr. Lee of Lee Corporation

Chairman Hae of H**** International Hospital


No way.

This isn't happening. 

"What do you think you are doing?!" Father shouted as he entered the office

"Minho!" Mom called as she ran towards me "What did you do?"

I threw them the document "W-Why?"

"What do you mean?" Mom asked

"What's wrong with you?! You kept disappointing me!" Father shouted and slapped me

Mom started reading the document and I saw her tears fell "W-What is this? W-Why? I-I don't u-understand"

"W-Why did you do that?"

Father glared at me "Did what, Minho?! What are you talking about?!"

"You are an evil!" Mom shouted to him and started crying loud

"I-I promised to help you with the business and I met a lot of girls you tried to hook me up with. I tried my best not to disappoint you in exchange of letting me and Zatie be happy. W-Why did you do that to her?! Why?!"

Mom hugged me tight as she continued crying...

"If you didn't just made an agreement, she's suposed to be alive! You ruined everything! Not just her! You completely ruined your own son! How can you do that?!"

"M-Minho" Mom called and hugged me even tighter

"Do you know how desperate I am to bring her back alive?! Do you know how much I cried and begged to bring her back?! Do you know how much I suffered?! I tried to fix myself for a lot of times but I will always end up getting hurt. My friends and I were all destroyed. It's all because of you! You are my Father and I am so amazed by how amazing you are! You ruined me"

"Lee Minho" he called in a mad tone

"I was your fan but not anymore"

I left them. I left the house as fast as I can. I don't want to cry even more. I don't want to hurt myself even more. I guess leaving is the best way for me to be free from pain.

I got in my car and opened my phone. I received a lot of message but I can't answer any of it. I started typing a message for Hyunjin. I don't know how much I cried earlier and I am crying again.

I finally finished typing him a message and ended it with "...sorry" I started driving as fast as I can. I don't know where should I go. How am I going to face them? How?

Jisung calling...

[We kept calling you for a lot of times. Where are you?]

"How's Hyunjin and S-Seungmin?"

[They are both fine. Minho, where are you?]

"I-I am really s-sorry. I am begging you all. Please, forgive me"

[You didn't do anything wrong! You better go here in University. We will-]

"Please, forgive me. It was all my fault"

I ended the call. At the same time, I let go of the steering wheel.

I am really sorry, Zatie.

Forgive me.

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