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Jeongin's POV

(Next Day)

"Jeongin, can I talk to you?" the teacher asked

I nodded and went to her. I watched the students left completely "Yes?"

"I understand that you don't really want to join the filming but that will pull your grades higher. I am proud of how hard working you are, trying to learn the lessons with help of Yen, a junior student. Let me warn you. I saw her activities and exams. She didn't passed anything these past few days. I don't know what's the reason but I think she's trying to focus on helping you. I'm glad that you finally found yourself. Don't be selfish, Jeongin. She also needs to help herself. If you joined the film she will probably stop having a hard time passing everything she needs to pass" teacher

"Are you being serious?"

She showed me a paper "That's her record"

               subject1   2    3    4   5   6   7   8
act#1         0            3    0    0   8  15  0   1
act#2         3           10   2    0  7    0   1   0
act#3         0            0    0    0  0    0   0   0
act#4         0            0    0    0  0    0   0   0
act#5         0            0    0    0  0    0   0   0

How come she got everything zero?

"See? They just didn't put scores on her projects. They want her to have another chance to pull her grades. You know how big activities and projects can help. She will stay as junior if she will kept ignoring everything" teacher

I vowed "I'll talk to her. Thank you for telling me. Excuse me"

I quickly left the room as fast as I can. Where are you, Yen? How the hell you have the guts to help me when you can't even help yourself? Shit.

I arrived at the field of the school. I saw Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Changbin, Chan, Minho and Seungmin along with Heejin, Haeun, Klaire and Jiyoung. They are all talking and discussing about something. Where is she?

I want to run but I want to enjoy the view. I want to watch my friends being happy again. I love how they are trying to be stronger this time. My family is finally going back to what they are before. I just missed how they are slowly going back to who they are. 

Zatie, thank you.

I know you helped them. I know you did a lot of ways for them to be okay again. I know you won't let them part ways for good. Even though you are somewhere far, you still care for us. I really want to thank you for bringing my family back.

"What are you doing here?" Yen asked as she tapped my shoulder

"I am looking for you"

"We're already finished with the last lesson-" Yen

"That's not it. I saw your records and you got zero in every subject you have. I felt guilty and I want you to stop teaching me. I'll teach myself alone. I want you to focus on your studies now"

Yen started laughing "Why are you being so dramatic? Did your adviser talked to you?"

"What's funny?"

"My grades are fine. I am part of high honor students again. I bet your teacher showed you your records not mine. I can't believe this, you got everything zero" she chuckled

"Are you laughing at my record?"

She stopped "Sorry hahahaha I was just shocked with your drama. She's probably making you guilty for being the only one who is not joining the team"


"You should join the group. We need you" Yen

"Whatever. They are not even looking for me"

"That's what you think. We all decided not to force anyone to join but to be honest you are part of the scripts. Actually, Chan and Minho joined on their own will while Seungmin was brought by Jiyoung, Jisung was forced by Haeun, Heejin also forced Changbin, Hyunjin joined on his own will too. You are the only one who is not yet joining" she nodded slowly


She held my hand "I will force you" she said and dragged me to them

I tried to remove her hand but she is holdig me tight. She is not letting me go. What the fuck. I tried to remove it with two hands but she is very strong. Why am I weak?! Shit.

"Uh..." Yen

They all looked at our direction with no expression on their faces. None of them were smiling or showing me that I am fucking welcome.

"A-Am I too late?"

They are all staring at me like they are gonna kill me in a minute. What the hell is wrong with them?!

Changbin started laughing "Hahahahahaha sorry I can't stop it"

"Why is he always the first one to laugh?" Seungmin asked

"Then he will treat us for lunch" Minho

"Ya! I was just-" Changbin

"Stop it you guys" Hyunjin

Chan smiled at me "You are always welcome even though you are late"

Damn. Those words. How am I supposed to thank them for waiting for me? They are all just waiting for me to approach them...


I want to cry.

"Oh! Jeongin is here. We can start shooting their scenes later" Klaire said

"We should should have a celebration" Haeun

"Count me in" Jiyoung

"Me too!" Yen

"I'm always in" Heejin

"Since we are complete. I will invite you all to our house. Aunt and Uncle will be happy to see you all again" Hyunjin smiled

"I miss them" Minho

"And I want to introduce someone to all of you" Hyunjin

He don't have a girlfriend, right?

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