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Jeongin's POV

(Next day)

I woke up when my phone started ringing. I lazily stood up and went straight to the bathroom. I took a very quick bath and wore my uniform as fast as I can. I don't want to join the filming so I'll do everything not to receive any failing grades now. I took my bag with me and ran downstairs. I saw Mom and Dad eating at the dining table.

"Oh, Jeongin! Eat with us" Dad

"Yes, eat with us" Mom

I vowed and smiled "I'll go now. You guys should enjoy the foods. Bye"

I left the house as fast as I can. I am sure they both will try to force me to eat again like yesterday. They kept putting foods on my plate. I know that they hate to leave leftover foods so I need to finish everything on my plate. I continued walking to my school. How can be the sky so blue plus the sun is so bright? I bet this is-

"Ya! Are you stupid?!" someone shouted from the circle of girls

"How can you ruin my morning?!" one of them shouted

"You all just ruined my mood"

They all looked at me. I see, they sre the girls who kept asking money from junior students. How can they be so annoying and ugly? They are not even doing anything good but they are still existing. Why not fight in other place? Also, they are wearing the school's uniform. They are so embarrassing.

"Mister!" a girl shouted, she ran and kneeled in front of me "Help me"

"What are you doing?"

"Please, help me. T-They are trying to take my money" she said and started crying

"What the fuck? Stand up! Why are you kneeling in front of me?!"

"I'm begging you!" she continued crying again and still kneeling

"Stand up! Why the hell are you kneeling?!"

"I'm sorry she's really annoying" one of the girls said and signalled them to take the girl in front of me

"You can go" the leader, I think, said

Two of the girls was about to hold the girl in front of me.

"Leave her alone"

"W-What?" girl 2

"I said leave her alone"

I looked at the girl kneeling in front of me. She's still crying while holding my pants tightly. I can feel her trembling in fear.

"But-" leader

"You can go now"

She looked at me with teary eyes "H-Huh?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes "I said go. Don't make me repeat my words. Just go"

She stopped crying as she picked up her bag and ran away. I watched her struggle to run because of her leg. How come a girl is hurting her another girl? They should be supporting each other.

"Jeongin, why did you let-" leader

"Don't call my name. We're not close. I don't even know you. I want you to stay away from her. If ever I saw you trying to beat her ass again. I'll make your life a hell"

Why am I doing this for that girl?



"Thank you" I said as I paid the cashier for the foods I ordered for lunch. I took my change and started walking trying to find some empty seats but everything is occupied. Everyone is also not looking at me. Are they scared? Or overwhelmed?

"Yang Jeongin" Heejin called

"I am your senior"

"Forget it. Anyway, do you want-" Heejin

"Target locked"

"Is Yen your type?" Heejin


"That girl. Her name is Yen, short for Yenxia, a chinese" Heejin

I nodded and left her. I sat in front of Yen, the nerd. I started eating my food without saying anything.

"Y-Yang Jeongin" Yen called

I looked at her "Why? Do I look handsome to you?"

"Why are you here? Leave me alone. I don't want to be involve in your fights" Yen

"What did you say? Leave you alone? Wow. You just asked me for help earlier and you're telling me to leave. I'm speechless"

Yen glared at me "Huh?"

I removed her eyeglass "Now, do you recognize me?" I put it back

She covered her mouth as her eyes widened "Y-You saved me earlier?!"

"I did and you have to pay me. Buy me-"

"Why should I? You went there first and then I asked you for help. It was your fault that you went there" Yen said and continued eating

I annoyingly dropped my spoon and chopsticks "What the hell is wrong with you? I helped you"

"Exactly! You helped me. We all know that helping is something you should do with all your heart-" Yen winked

"How can be a nerd look so pity earlier and so annoying now?"

"Fine. What do you want me to buy you then?" Yen

"Ramyeon, Soju-"

"Thank you for helping me earlier but I need to go now" Yen

"Where are you going?"

Yen gave me a paper "I want to help with props since I am good with arts"

It's Felix's team. She's joining them.

"Production room?"

"Yeah, Felix's team. I am so amazed by them back then, including you. Although it happened that fast, I am still in love with the On Track short film" Yen smiled and stood up


"You should join as well. It wouldn't be the same without you" she said and ran away

Is she trying to trick me with her words?

But why her words hit me so hard?

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