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Hyunjin's POV

"Hyunjin, where did you go? It's already late" Aunt asked

"Where is Avery?"

Aunt sighed "She said she wanted to see Minho-"

"What for?"

"She wanted to confirm things-" Aunt

I ran to my room and quickly dialed her number.

calling Avery...



"Where are you?"

[In a cab]

"What the hell are you up to? Are you trying to ruin yourself as well? Don't you dare tell Minho"

[Hyunjin, I understand that you are mad at him but I think Minho has reasons. There is something going on in his life. He is having a hard time with his family now and he is also suffering because of what happened to Zate. He needs you all more than anyone. He needs you all to be there for him. Stop with the games of ignoring each other. You all should fix things and be there for each other. It's been two years but why are you locking yourselves in the past?]

"That's not-"

[I know you know what Zatie wants to happen and what she will do if she found out that you are all trying to ignore each other. I'll hang up now, I am with Minho. I will just send him home and I'll go home right away. Please, do think of your decisions]

She ended the call before I even speak. I left my room and went downstairs. I saw Aunt with a worried face.

"Where is she?" Aunt

"She'll be home soon. I'll just go out and have fresh air. I'll wait for her too" I smiled and got out of the house. I started walking to nearest playground. I sat on the swing and played with it quietly.

I never tried to ignore them. I was there, waiting for them to approach me. It was them who ignored me and the rest. I was just trying to fix myself for them. I want to be stronger and braver for them. I never thought that they will think that I am ignoring them. Why would I do that? I know they need me, I also need them.

Yoon Zatie, does it have to be like this? You were the only one who can fix this things....



I felt my tears started falling as I watched Zatie not waking up. It's been months since she got hit. I wonder when will she wake up?

"You are going to wake up, right?"

I'm sorry for everything I've done. I may not remember what I did wrong but I feel like I need to say sorry to you. Please, wake up. You have to wake up.

"Hyunjin" Felix called as he entered the room

"Aren't they going to visit?"

"They are not ready to see her like that" Felix whispered and tapped my shoulder "It's hard for them too since they are getting close to Zatie"


"Hyunjin" Aunt called as she hugged me tightly "The doctor said her body doesn't accept the oxygen and injections anymore"

"W-Why are you telling me that?"

"I think it's time for Zatie to go. We can't just decide on our own. We want to consider what you want to happen" Uncle Chul

"Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded.

I went inside and sat on the chair beside her bed "Zatie, it's been a year and you were fighting for a year now. Why are you giving up now? Can't you fight even more? I'm still hoping you'll be fine one day. You will wake up and will tease me. Can you please not give up? Fight for us, for Aunt and Uncle, fight for Minho. I am sure he is waiting for you"

I saw at the glass window how Aunt and Uncle started crying.

"I'm sorry for being so selfish. If you are tired, you can rest now. Just don't forget that I will always look for you in our next life. I'll take care of Aunt and Uncle"

I held her hand tightly.

"Good bye, Zatie"

End of Flashback

It's been two years since I let you go. You fought for us, you tried and I am so proud of you, Zatie. You did so well.

"I hope you are happy"

"Whoever that is, of course that person is happy" a girl said and sat on the swing beside me "Aren't you Zatie's brother?"

"How do you know her?"

She showed me a picture of her and Zatie "I am Mia and I am friends with Zatie. I live nearby and I talked to her for a lot of times. I am sorry for your loss"

I nodded "I never thought she has a friendly side"

"Yeah, she approached me first. How are you?" she asked

"I'm fine, just trying to make things work out"

"Ah, I don't know what is happening right now but I think you should be fine for her. You are very important for her. You should always rememeber that Zatie is always guiding you" Mia smiled

"I wonder what's the first word she used when she approached you?"

Mia chuckled "I am alone, that's what she told me"

"You look ugly, those are the words she told me when we first met. How can she be so bad with using words but good at continuing the friendship she made?"

She nodded "Her weird personality is the one that made everyone remember her"

"Are you perhaps had a serious talk with her about me?"

"Yeah, she said she will introduce me to you which is really crazy. She said she wanted to see that you are happy before she finally starts to find her own happiness" Mia

"And we met now because of her"

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