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Third person's POV

"Class dismissed" the teacher said  and left the room

All of the students starts having a meeting including Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin. Jisung watched Seungmin left the room and bumped to Chan. He smirked as he saw how pissed Seungmin is.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. The tape that Felix was trying to hide at the rooftop. He quickly left the room and went to the production room as fast as he can. He locked the door as soon as he arrived.

He started searching for things but he got distracted by the things that he never saw for a long time. He saw the sketch board where all their plans were written. He also saw the papers for their script that Seungmin made. He saw the camera that they used two years ago, he opened it and saw their pictures and videos with Zatie.

His eyes started getting teary as he looked at every photos and videos with her. It was the most painful thing he ever felt. Those moments they had with Zatie when she was still there. Those memories will remain as memories only. That hurts him the most...

He will wake up in the morning knowing that they lost someone and won't be able to bring her back whatever they do. His hands started trembling as he plays the flashback of that picture he will saw. Every pictures plays a flashback on his mind and that made him smile with a teary eyes.

He put the camera down and decided to stop hurting himself. He saw the audition paper for their On Track film two years ago and took it with him. He left the production room but he took a last glance of it as he finally left it. He ran as fast as he can not minding those people he bumped into. He doesn't even know where he is going. He ran as much as he can and found himself at the parking lot.

Jisung looked at the paper and read their names one by one "Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Minho" he stopped and touched the last name "Yoon Zatie..."

He started crying again because of the memories they had with her. He never even achieved what Zatie wants him to achieve, to be part of the musical. He got accepted the day that Zatie finally said good bye for good. How can he continue knowing that he won't be able to perform in front of her?

He held the audition paper tightly...

His eyes darted to the names that was written on it

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His eyes darted to the names that was written on it...

His eyes darted to the names that was written on it

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