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Hyunjin's POV

(Next Day)

I carried my bag as I finished getting ready for school. I fixed my hair and went downstairs. I saw Avery and Aunt talking to each other.

"Good morning"

"Good morning, you should eat" Aunt said

"I have to go. We need to shoot for today"

"I'll walk you out" Avery said and stood up

"I'll go now. I'll see you later" I smiled at Aunt and left the house, followd by Avery.

As soon as we got out of the house, she smiled at me.


"Whatever will happen today. Just think that it happens for a reason. If you're going to ask. Yes, I did that. I just think that's the right thing to do" Avery said


"I'm sorry but I have to" she vowed to me and tapped my shoulder "You should take care on your way to school. Again, I'm sorry" her smile faded as she went inside the house

I don't know why but she left me dumbfounded.

I walked to the bus stop. I rode the first bus that stopped in front of me. I just paid using my card and sat at the very corner of the bus.

There's a part of that wants to believe Avery but there's also a part of me telling that she was just joking. I don't know if she's trying to make me nervous but hell. She succeeded. I am losing my mind because of curiosity. I badly want to know what is about. I just hope it's not that serious. I just hope she's joking.

The bus finally stopped in front of our school. I got out and went inside the school. This feels weird. I never felt this weird feelings before. It's been a long time since I felt this scared. How the hell did she do that?

As I walk down the hallway, all eyes on me and I can feel them gossiping while looking on their phones. What the hell is their problem? Why the fuck are they looking at me like I did something wrong?

"If you are curious. You better open your phone" Haeun said as she appeared in front of me "I sent it to you just now. Pull yourself together" she said and walked away

I opened my phone...

There, I lost my strength as I saw the email.

This is a conversation between Zatie and an Unknown number that messaged her the night she got into an accident. I got this from Zatie's phone. Enjoy.

Unknown number: You are Minho's girl, right?

I don't have much time to play. :

Unknown number: He is cheating on you.

Why the hell are you trying to ruin us?! Are you Hyunjin? Ya! Stop! You're not funny! :

Unknown number: I am telling you the truth. He is here at the bar near the chicken and beer shop. I'm not lying to you. If you want to see him then go here. Don't blame me if one he will break up with you. I already told you about what he is doing. Ready yourself.

Oh shut the hell up. :

9:43 pm

Unknown number: Now, what? You saw everything. Do you still think I'm lying?

Who the hell are you?! What do you know?! :

Unknown number: He is fooling you. Stop yourself now. He is just making fun of you. Don't hurt yourself.

Are you Hyunjin? Is it you? If it's you, show yourself... :

Unknown number: I'm sorry but I can't. You can't know who I am. Please, be well. Take care of yourself. Go home now and think of your decisions. I'll watch you break up with Minho. I'll promise to help you forget him.

What the fuck...

This is not true...

Is that why she smiled at me that night? She thought I was the one who texted her? Zatie...

I ran to our classroom and saw my friends there. I quickly ran to Minho and punched his face "You piece of bullshit! Why did you do that to her?! Why?! I trusted you!!!" I kept shouting as I held tight onto his collar

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Chan shouted and took me from Minho

"What is wrong with you?!" he shouted

I threw him my phone "Read it"

All of my classmates opened their phones. What the hell!!! I don't know anymore whom should I trust. He fucking ruined my trust. He fucking ruined our friendship.

Minho shook his head "I-I would never do that to her. You all know h-how much I love her"

"Minho" Jisung

"I was with her that night. We went to the bar together and she was beside me. She's talking to me and holding me hand. There's no way I would cheat on her. She means everything to me" Minho said and started crying

Seungmin entered "I know everything. I was there that night. I was the one who texted Zatie. I was forced by Minho's Father to do that or else he will remove my scholarship. I got scared and texted Zatie. I know that Minho is not on his right mind that night. I know what his Father did. He wants Minho and Zatie to part ways for good. He was so desperate. I-I am sorry for not telling you all. I got scared that you all might hate me. I-I am really s-sorry. Please, I forgive me"

I fell to the ground and felt my tears started falling.

Why is this happening? Why now?


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