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Felix's POV

(Next Day)

Me, Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix went to the production room. We saw Klaire there sketching something on the white board. 

"You are really into our short film"

Klaire looked at us with a shock on her face "You guys already finished your classes? Yen, Heejin and Jiyoung are still in their classes.  They will be here in a minute"

"What's that about?" Chan asked as he looked at the white board

"That's your scene along with Seungmin and Changbin" she answered and wrote something "Next will be Felix's scene, the next one is Jisung and Jeongin but they are not here"

"Hello!" Heejin greeted as she entered with Jiyoung

"Where are we going to shoot our next scene?" Jiyoung asked

"They will join us for sure. Let's not force them to join. They will go here when they want to" Hyunjin

I nodded and smiled. Just like Chan and Minho, they both went here on their own while Changbin was brought here by Heejin and Seungmin went here with Jiyoung. I am proud of Hyunjin, he is willing to go here but he is scared. At least he finally joined the team and slowly having a progress.

"Sorry!" Yen shouted as she entered the production room

"What took you so long?" Chan asked

"I taught Jeongin the lessons he missed" Yen answered and wiped her sweats

"He is your senior that means you guys have different lessons" Changbin

Yen nodded "I studied his lessons last night just to teach him. That's why I only have a few hours of sleeps"

I smell something fishy here. Is this some kind of kdrama? The bad boy who is willing to change for the nerdy girl. In the kdrama the bad boy has feelings for the nerd. How about the nerd? She's doing sacrifices for the bad boy. Wait-

"Do you still need one more character?" a girl asked as she entered the production room

It's Haeun, the rebel.

"Uh... We don't need a girl in the film" Chan said

"Silly" she said and started laughing so loud "Of course it's not me. I would never dare try to act. I can help but I won't act"

"Why are you asking if we need one more character?" Changbin

"I know someone who perfectly fits the group" Haeun said and went outside

I looked at them and they were all confused. Haeun would never approach anyone first. She will always make fun of others and tease them. No one wants her to be part of any group.

The door opened and Haeun is now dragging Jisung inside.

"Jisung?" Yen asked

Jisung rolled his eyes "I never wanted-"

"Hahahahahahahahaha!!" Changbin  started laughing followed by Chan, Seungmin, Minho and Hyunjin.

"What's funny about that?" Jisung asked

"Sorry hahahaha I am not just used to you being serioud and annoyed" Changbin said

Yeah, Jisung will always be the cheerful one in our group. He brings all the positive vibes and thoughful words. Although he is very playful and annoying. He is the kindest of all.

"How come I joined before you? Do you still remember that you said you will join them? How come you joined later after I did?" Chan asked

Jisung sighed "I was just trying to persuade you-"

"Wow" Minho chuckled

"Okay, let me explain everything now" Klaire told us

We all sat down and focused on Klaire. She wrote something on the board and tried to connect it.

"Proceed" Hyunjin

Klaire looked at us "So, your last film is On Track which is a love triangle story. I decided not to continue that film and created something new. Your teacher said to make a story that will relate you all and will mske a big impact to the audience. Everyone knows what happened to all of you so I based it on that. I am observing you all for a long time so I did some editing and boom. You guys perfectly fit the characters I made. We are not going to use Zatie in this story. I will just show here the friendship you lost after losing someone. We will never mention her name as a respect. We will use she and her only. Hyunjin is the cold bad boy look like, Minho is the heartless prince, Seungmin is the guy who decided to focus on studies, Changbin focused on basketball, Chan focused on music and skateboard, Jisung is the always annoyed one, Jeongin is the real bad boy and always fight, last is Felix, he is the one who kept fixing everything between you all"

Yen stood up "Hyunjin and Minho finally finished their individual film. Next is Changbin, Chan and Seungmin's scene. We will shoot it at the waiting place where you guys filmed Zatie and Minho's running scene. Next will be Felix's scene, then Jisung and Jeongin's scene. After that we will all start the scenes with dialogue"

"Those individual films were just like showing what type of character they are?" Haeun asked

Klaire nodded "You got it right. That film will show the characters that shows them. It's like an intro and will be a way to introduce their characters"

"I like the idea" Minho

"For now, we have to assist Jisung and give him the script. We better be ready for the next scenes. We will finish this film as soon as possible" Klaire

I gave Jisung the script "Are you and Haeun in a relationship?"

Jisung's eyes widened "Are you being serious right now?"

He is so sensitive now hahahaha.

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