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Third person's POV

Chan entered the school even if he is too lazy to go but he has to. He ignored everyone at the hallway as he passed by them. His eyes were darted to the front only like he can't see anyone around him.

As he entered the classroom he saw Changbin, Felix and Hyunjin talking happily like nothin happened before. His hand tightened into a fist and glared at the three of them. He is annoyed how the three of them easily moved on after what happened to Zatie. He never expected them to be more happy than this.

He was about to go-

"Chan!" Hyunjin called and ran to him

"What?" Chan asked

"I have to tell you something really important" Hyunjin said

"Tell me now" Chan said and still eyeing him

"Not here" Hyunjin said and walked away

Chan was hesitating to go but he is curious not to know what is it. He followed him quietly and watched his back. A lot of thoughts.kept going through his mind as he watched Hyunjin. He has a lot of questions as well like What's going on? Why is he talking to him? Why did his mood suddenly changed? Is he really trying to forget Zatie for good?

Although he trust Hyunjin, he still can't stop thinking about what is happening.

They arrived somewhere part of the school's rooftop. He stood there and looked at Hyunjin.

"What is it now?" Chan asked

Hyunjin sighed "We are all suffering and can't move on from what happened but you were the person I am worried about. You are the eldest in our circle of friends and you cared for all of us especially Zatie. You were the first one she became close with, except me. She really treasures all of us and we also treasure her. I know it's hard but that shouldn't be the reason for us to stop living happily-"

"Are you telling me to forget what happened?" Chan smirked

"No" Hyunjin chuckled and looked at his eyes "I just want to tell you to forget about the past. We will not forget Zatie but let's start a fresh life. In that way, Zatie will be happy for us. She is going to be happy seeing us trying to fix everything together. It's hard for me, especially to Aunt and Uncle Chul. We have to be brave for her. We have to live stronger and achieve our dreams. I don't know if this will help you but let's forget about the dark past. Let's start a fresh life and be happy for Zatie"

Chan looked away.

"We will wait for you. Just take your time and decide whether to take our hands or not. Good luck, Chan" Hyunjin smiled at him and walked away

Chan watched Hyunjin walk away and he sighed. He sat on the ground and wore his headphones. He played a music trying to remove the hard feelings.

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His head is full of thoughts and questions again. Should he join or not? Should he approach them or not? Should he held their hands or not...

It's hard for him but he knows it's harder for Hyunjin since he is really close with Zatie but he tried to be stronger

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It's hard for him but he knows it's harder for Hyunjin since he is really close with Zatie but he tried to be stronger...

Minji tapped his shoulder "Chan"

Chan removed his headphone and looked at Minji "Why?"

She sat on the skateboard "I followed you and Hyunjin earlier since I also want to talk to you"

"About?" Chan

"I want to say sorry last time for interferring about your feelings. I was just pressured about my seniors. They want me to prove them something. Then, I found you. I thought it'll be a big time if I will try it on you since they know you and your story. I was so wrong that time. That's why I want to say sorry" Minji said

Chan nodded "I was a bit sensitive that time and I said some harsh words towards you. Sorry"

Minji smiled at him "Uh... It looks like Hyunjin and you talked for the first time after two years"

"Yeah, he was telling me to let go of the past. I want to but I don't know how to start. Also, I don't think it's good to just put Zatie aside" Chan sighed

"I understand you but Hyunjin is right. If the past is making you the worst person, then you should let go. You should start a fresh life and fix things around you. It may be hard but if you want, you will do everything for it to work" Minji

He nodded and smiled "Yes, it's hard but I think I really have to. I am the eldest and I think I am the one who's assigned to take care of them. I am so selfish for not thinking about what they feel especially Hyunjin. He suffered the most but he stood still and fixed himself"

"See? That's because Hyunjin wants you all to know that Zatie would never be happy if you all will kept making yourselves suffer even more" Minji

"What should I do now? Should I act like nothing happened or at least say some words before I join them?" Chan

"Anything that makes you comfortable and will lessen what you feel, but for me, I will choose to say sorry and explain before I join. In that way, it won't be awkward" Minji suggested

Chan chuckled "That will make it even awkward. We never tried to fix things. We will all naturally going to be fine in the next few minutes after a fight"

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