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Avery's POV

"Avery, can you please give this to Hyunjin?" Aunt asked and handed me the tray

I nodded and wen upstairs. I knocked on his door and opened it "It's Avery"

He didn't locked his door but we never tried to go inside and force him. After what I did, I know Hyunjin found out everything now. I know he needs time to at least accept everything again. I am guilty for what I did but I still believe that he needs to know the truth.

I sat on the chair and started wiping his arms using the cold wet towel followed by dry towel just to lessen his fever. He has fever since he went home yesterday. He was so pale and he even passed out.



I woke up when I felt thirsty. It's 5:47 pm already but I am still sleepy. Argh. What's wrong with me? I went downstairs and drank one glass of cold water. I almost drop the glass when I heard the doorbell.

I quickly opened the door and saw Hyunjin "What's wrong with you?"

He looks so pale. I helped him enter but he lost his strength and fell the ground.

"A-Avery" he called

"Why? Are you okay?"

He started crying and hugged me "W-Why can't I-I be happy for once? Why do I feel happy today and later on something bad will happen. A-Am I cursed? Am I-I not allowed to be happy?"

I caress his back slowly "Hyunjin, I told you. Everything happens for a reason. You can be happy if you chose to. You just need to know how to survive all those problems you are facing"

"I-I am tired. I want to rest so bad. I want r-rest" he whispered between our hugs

Why do I feel guilty now?

"Just rest. I'll take care of everything. You did so well and you deserve to be happy"

There, I felt him passed out.

End of Flashback

I wiped his face and put a towel on his forehead to lessen the fever in his body. I covered him with blanket and fixed his bed.

"Z-Zatie..." he whispered and tears started falling "I-I am sorry"

I felt my tears started falling as I felt weak seeing him feeling sorry for the thing he never did "Hyunjin"

His tears continued falling.

"I am sorry for ruining your happiness. I just want to give justice for my sister's death. I am really sorry for making you feel like you don't deserve to be happy. You don't have worry. I will take care of you and everyone around you"

He suffered a lot, Zatie kept telling me how precious Hyunjin is. He is like a baby and he needs someone beside him. He may act cold and gave you cold replies but he is always the type of guy who needs someone to guide him. I guess Zatie is right. You are like a baby and you still need someone beside you. I will take over Zatie's role in your life. I will take care of you as your sister.


The doorbell rang. I quickly opened it and saw Haeun, Jiyoung, Heejin, Yen, Klaire and a new face.

"Get inside"

They all went inside.

"I am Minji" the girl introduced

"I am Avery. What brought you all here?"

"We were worried about them" Klaire said

"Minho is in the hospital" Haeun said


"He got into an accident after finding out that his Father has something to do with Zatie" Yen

Haeun raised her hand "Correction. Minho tried to kill himself by driving fast and letting go of the steering wheel"

"H-How is he?"

"He is okay now. They just need to wait for him to wake up" Haeun answered

"Do you have any plans for them?" Jiyoung asked

I sighed "I don't have any idea what to do"

Klaire gave me a tape "That was filmed by Zatie before. Felix kept that so they can all watch it soon but I don't think they can anymore"

"What made you say that? We have to make them watch this"

"How?" Minji

"If we can't talk to them in a nice way. We have to force them. I will assign you all, Klaire with Felix, Jiyoung with Seungmin, Haeun with Jisung, Minji with Chan, Heejin with Changbin, Yen with Jeongin and I'll take care of Minho-"

The doorbell rang. I quickly opened it and a girl is smiling at me.

"I am Mia, I want to ask if Hyunjin-" Mia didn't finished what he was saying when I dragged her inside the house

"She is assigned to Hyunjin. Now, our plan is to make them feel better or at least lessen the pain they are feeling"

"Until when?" Haeun

"We all have to do it in three days. That may sound hard but you have to do it or else this plan will fail. If you have any suggestions or you are not okay with my plan. Just raise your hand"

Mia raised her hand "I am okay with the plan but I was just wondering what is this for? I'm sorry I don't have any idea what's going on"

"Yen and Haeun will explain it to you later"

"Oh okay" Mia

"D-Do you have any idea who revealed the screenshot?" Jiyoung

"I did. I know I was wrong but I did that for a reason"

They are all looking at me.

"And I will now fix things that needs to be fixed"

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