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Third person's POV

"How's school?" his Mom asked

Jeongin almost choked but luckily he prevented it "It was fun"

"Fun? What's fun in school? I heard from Felix's Mom that he is having a hard time maintaining his grades" Jeongin's Mom said and glared at him

"You know, Mom. Felix and I are different. I am good at activities and more while Felix good at recitation and tests. See? That's why he is a having a hard time" Jeongin said and ate the burger in front of him

"Make sure of that" Jeongin's Mom

"I am sure of that" Jeongin winked at her, his face expression changed as soon as his Mom look away. He lied. He has a bad grades because of skipping classes and not doing any activities. His grades may be bad now but he is sure that he will be able to take back everything with the help of Yen.

"You'll be late" Jeongin's Mom said

Jeongin nodded and vowed "I'll go now" he smiled and got out of the house. He is pretty neat and clean today unlike the days he spent just fighting with random guys. He never wanted to do this but he has to.

Yen promised to help him with his grades but he has to look neat and make sure not to fight anymore. Jeongin is scared of his Mom, she might kill him if she will find out about his failing grades. Today will be the first day of his real deal with Yen. He is pretty serious about it.

To : Yen

Where are you? I'm on my way. You better not be late.

She didn't replied right away. He is wonder if she's still sleeping or she's just ignoring his message to her. She better be nice to him and try not to shout. He hates it when someone's shouting at him. It felt like he needs to bring that person down right away.

He felt annoyed as the music stopped and he looked at his phone. He saw his enemy Hajun trying to call him. He rejected the call but Hajun called him again. Once again, he rejected the call but Hajun called him again.

Hajun calling...

"What now, Hajun?"

[How did you know it was me?]

"Are you stupid or what? You gave me your number, dumbass. If you're asking about the hideout. I am not available. I'm not gonna fix that"

[I know you very well and I am expecting that you won't fix it. I have a better surprise for you]

"What is it?"

[We have your wife-]

"Wife? I don't even have a girlfriend. I hope you're okay"

[Then, let me repeat that. We have Yen-]


[So? Wow. I never thought you are acting like a heartless jerk now. You are with Yen yesterday and I'm sure you two were close-]

"We're not. I'll hang up now"

[I guess you are not scared to lose another person again after Zatie. Say good bye, Jeongin]

Hajun ended the call. 

Jeongin's eyes widened and his hands were trembling in fear. That jerk hit the weak spot of Jeongin. He used Zatie for him to take the bait. He quickly tracked the number and found it. He ran as fast as he can to the parking lot where it was pointing to. His heart is beating fast, he doesn't care if he bumped into a lot of people. He wanted to save Yen badly. Ha can't bare to lose another person in his life. 

As soon as he arrived at the third floor of the parking lot, he saw Hajun and its minions. 

"Where is Yen?" he asked and eyed the whole place trying to see if Yen is fine

"She's not here" Hajun

"What are you saying?" Jeongin glared

Hajun chuckled "We were just joking but you took the bait"

"Shit" he whispered and opened his phone. He dialed Yen's number.

calling Yen...

[Jeongin? I'm on my-]

"Are you okay?"

[Yes, why?]

"I see" 


"Nothing-" Jeongin didn't finished what he was saying when Hajun's minions attacked him. He suddenly dropped the phone.

Yen waited for him to answer but he didn't answered anymore. She just heard some groan and loud hit "Yang Jeongin?!" she shouted but there's no answer. She quickly ended the call and tracked the number. When she found the place, she quickly called the police situation and told them about what is happening. After telling the police about it, she ran as fast as she can. She didn't mind the cars passing by, she kept running until she reached the parking lot. She ran to the third floor and saw Jeongin fighting with Hajun.

"Aren't you guys so sweet?" Hajun chuckled as she saw Yen

Jeongin turned around and saw Yen "Leave this place"

Yen didn't listen and picked up the wood. She started to help Jeongin. She was about to hit Hajun when Hajun quickly turned around and held the wood. He smirked and took the wood from her. She was about to hit her when Jeongin covered her.

"J-Jeongin" Yen called

The police officers came and took Hajun along with his minions.

"Go with them. You have to tell them what happened" Jeongin told her

"But-" Yen

"I'm fine. Just go" Jeongin said 

Yen nodded and quickly followed the police officers. She took one more glance of Jeongin and she left quickly.

As soon as Yen left, Jeongin fell to the ground as he lost his strength. 

He started crying as he remembered what he felt when she died

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He started crying as he remembered what he felt when she died...

The fear of losing someone again.

The fear of losing someone again

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Although he is still weak, he stood up and went to the rooftop with all his strength. He kept walking as he reached the top of the building. He stood there and watched every cars pass by...

 He stood there and watched every cars pass by

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This time, he promised himself not to lose anyone again

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This time, he promised himself not to lose anyone again...

Not anymore.

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