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Minho's POV

"Young master, your Mom and Dad were waiting for you" maid

"Tell them I'm not gonna eat with them"

"How many times are you going to keep acting like this, Lee Minho?!" Dad shouted behind the maid

The maid vowed and went downstairs.

"Until you and Mom come to your senses"

"You will go down and eat with us whether you like it or not" he said and went downstairs

I punched the wall as hard as I can..

How can be my life so crazy? It looks like fate is playing with me up and down. Making me happy and will ruin my happiness. What the hell is happening? Can't I choose on my own this time? Can't I be happy as I please?

I went downstairs and sat on the chair far from them both. I'd rather look lonely than eat with them and pretend to be happy. My parents never cared for me, it's always the company and money for them.

"Minho, you never ate with us-" Mom

"Why are you two acting like you never know what happened? Why am I acting like this? What was my reason?"

Dad slammed the table "Is it because of that girl again?!"

"It's always because of her. I am happy because of her, I am at peace because of her, I am crying because of her, I am hurt because of her. One day, I will die because of her"

"What's wrong with you?! There are a lot of girls out there" Dad

"There may be a lot of girls out there who is richer, more beautiful and smart but... Zatie is better than them no matter how many times you try to compare her to them. She is the best and the girl I don't deserve. She doesn't deserve me at all but I am trying my best to fit with her"

"You and that girl doesn't fit to each other. You belong to someone else" Mom

I smirked "No, I don't belong to someone else that you two were trying to hook me up with. I am better with Zatie and I am comfortable with her. She made me feel all the love I never felt from the two of you"

"What's wrong with you?!" Dad threw the plate on the wall

"Excuse me, I need to go" I vowed and left them as fast as I can

I drove my car somewhere. I don't know where but I just want to leave the house. I don't want to go near them. How can they talk like that? She died and they didn't even felt guilty for not accepting her for me? Why? I parked the car in front of the bar. I went inside straight to the vip room and sat there.

"Sir, what do you want for drinks?" waiter asked

"Anything that can make me go crazy"

He nodded and left the vip room.

At a times like this, Zatie would rather make me go to sleep than let me drink in a bar. She would always scold me for always going crazy. That's when I stopped drinking and focused on our relationship. What went wrong? How come she died? Why is it always me? Can't I be happy?

The waiter put down the drinks on my table and left as fast as he can. I watched how the lights changes every minute in a different color. Why am I not in my right mind?

I drank the whole glass of beer in one go and been wanting more. For sure, she will get mad at me for drinking again. Can you go back here and scold me? If I will drink all of these, are you going to enter this room and shout at me? Huh? Are you?

"Are you Lee Minho?" a girl asked as she opened the door


Why can I see you?

"Am I drunk?"

"You're not. You just drank one glass of beer" she smiled and went inside, she reached out her hand "I am Avery"

"A-Avery? N-Not Zatie?"

She shook her head and sat beside me "Who's Zatie?"


"Who is she? Looks like you remembered her when you saw me based on your reaction. Is she someone important to you?" Avery

"Not just important. She's my world. She means everything to me but she left without any goodbyes. She closed her eyes without saying goodnight to me"

"W-Where is she?" Avery

"She left for good. It was my fault. I know it was my fault. I never comforted her when she was down. I never made effort and time for her. She is always the one who's making our relationship stronger. She is the fighter of our relationship"

"W-What if that wasn't the reason? What if there's more?" Avery

"I don't know. She never told me anything. She never tried to open up her feelings to me. She would always act like it was okay when it's really not"

Avery stayed quiet and looked away.

"How come you look like her? Am I right or am I just drunk? How come you two have the same hairstyle? Are you Zatie?"

Avery didn't talked.

"If you are Zatie, can you please tell me that you are not gonna leave again? If you will leave, can you please bring me with you? Don't leave me alone. You promised me"

I slowly closed my eyes as I felt my tears started falling. I can feel that Avery is still here but I am too tired to open my eyes.

"Please, Zatie..."

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