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Felix's POV

(Next Day)

"You all have your time in my subject or in any subject just excuse yourselves. You'll need to pass your film after two weeks. I'm hoping that everyone will give their best and effort to make the very best film. As I promised, 10 points direct to the card to the chosen film and 2 points to those who participated" the teacher said and looked at our direction "Please, do your best to make someone proud"

I know what she was talking about and who is she talking about. I know she's referring to my friends and to Zatie. We will surely make her proud.

"Class dismissed. Enjoy doing this film and goodluck!" she smiled and took her things as she got out of the room

I stood up as I got the keys "If you all want to join, don't hesitate to enter the editing room. The door is wide open for you to enter" I smiled and left the classroom as I carried my things and went to the editing room

I opened the editing room, and the feeling was different. It was still the same since the last time we used it. Nothing changed. Everything is still in their right places where we left them. I entered and sat on the empty chair.

I hope they will participate. This filming will play a big part not just to me but to all of us. I'm not doing this for the grades, I'm doing this for Zatie, and for us. I am hoping that this film will help us get back the friendship we had before she died.

I still remember how we all played and made fun of each other in this room, how we tease each other, and eat together. This editing room gave us a big memory we will never forget. Everything started here, and I wish it will also continue here. I know it was hard for them, especially to Hyunjin. He hoped that Zatie will choose him, but she ended up choosing Minho. I was wondering if she chose Hyunjin, is she still going to die? I mean Minho and Hyunjin are going to give her a different future. One will lead her to happiness and the other one will lead her to sadness. What if she didn't chose one of them? Is she still going to die? There's a lot of what ifs on my mind but I chose not to let it go. I want everything to be answered soon. I want an answer.

I almost dropped the keys when someone knocked on the door. It opened and I saw Hyunjin standing at the door.

"What are you doing there? Get inside"

He sighed "I-I want to"

"What do you mean?"

"I-I want to enter but I am not ready" Hyunjin


"Just standing here makes my heart hurt, what more if I enter? What if I look around? What if I started filming and editing here? What am I going to feel? Am I going to be fine? Am I not going to feel the pain?" Hyunjin whispered and tears fell from his eyes

I stood up in front of him "I know you want to do this but I'm not going to force you. You can always come back when you're ready. I know it's not easy for you, but you have to be strong. You're always welcome here"

Hyunjin nodded slowly "I-I'm sorry" he whispered and walked away as fast as he can

Hyunjin needs to be strong...

He have to.

I was about to sit again when a girl showed up in front of me. She us currently looking at the room a few steps from me.

"Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Klaire, a junior student and a fan of On Track, which you guys filmed" she smiled and walked towards me

"You are a fan?"

She nodded "Yup, not just a fan of the film, but all of you. I really love how you guys filmed it effortlessly. I mean I love the ending but I was so sad when I heard about what happened"

"I don't have much-"

"Can I enter? Thank you" she said and entered the room

"You already did"

"That's why I said thank you" Klaire said and took the broom with her "If you're not going to do anything. Let's clean this room instead" she said and started swiping the floor "It's been 2 years since I last saw this opened and I am happy to see this again"


"I saw Hyunjin hesitated to open the door. Before he opened it, he stood there for almost 2 minutes. I know it was hard for him but I am also proud that he opened it with all his strength" she smiled and continued swiping the floor "Felix"

"You know me?"

"Who wouldn't?" she chuckled


"I know it was hard for them and it is also hard for you to see the friendship you have, fell. It was so hard to all of you, especially to Minho, Zatie's boyfriend and to Hyunjin, Zatie's brother and bestfriend. I hope you all will be fine, I'm so glad you all accepted the film. I am happy to see you showing the strong side of yours, trying to help everyone. There's one thing I want you to know" she said and stopped swiping

"What is it?"

"Are you okay?" Klaire

"What do you mean?"

She looked straight into my eyes "Are you even okay, Felix?"

Am I okay?

Even I, I don't know the answer...

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