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Chan's POV

After Felix left, Jeongin left 5 minutes after he did. I don't know but Jeongin won't go to the editing room. I know him. He would rather leave and spend his time fighting, making troubles.

"You all heard him" Hyunjin said as he stood up and was about to go-

"Do you ever think everyone wants to join that damn film? He is being such a know it all guy. Hell" Jisung smirked

"Why not? This is not for fun. This is for our failing grades. If you don't want to join then don't but don't you ever disrespect Felix. He is trying to help us here. Actually, Felix is the only one who doesn't have failing grades" Hyunjin

"Everyone knows" Jeongin said and entered the room again "He is not affected of what happened, that's why"

"Stop being such a know it all guy too. You can't judge his feelings because of his damn grades. Does he have to fail every subjects just to show he is affected?" Seungmin

"Can we all at least be sensitive? We are all affected but fuck it. Let's stop fighting. You are all hopeless getting ruined because of what happened" Minho said as he stood up and was about to leave-

Hyunjin pulled the collar of his uniform "Except me, Zatie is close to you. You two are close. How can you fucking say those like she don't mean anything to you?"

"What's this nonsense?!" our teacher shouted as she entered the room together with some students

I took my bag and left the classroom,  leaving them there. We are all affected but why the fuck are they fighting? This is why I chose to distance myself from them. It's going to be hard for us because of the unsaid feelings.

I don't want to enter our next subject.  I just want to rest and have fun. I don't want to make it even hard for me. They are all a mess. There's no way we can finish the fucking film without fighting-

"Oh my gosh!" a girl shouted and looked at the ground where all the papers are "You should've watched out. How am I supposed to do this again?! Damn"

I don't want to help but she's making me feel guilty.

I started picking up the papers and arranged it properly as I gave it to her. She's currently pouting like a child who didn't got her candies.

She sighed and looked at me.


"Can you help me? I can't find the paper I need to pass. I interviewed a student and I need to pass it but I lost it" she said

"I don't even know you and it wasn't my fault"

"You bumped into me. I lost the paper and it was your fault. You have to help me or else I'll have a failing grade this year. Please, this is my only chance, help me" she pouted

"Wait-" I didn't even had the chance to finish what I was saying because she dragged me as fast as she can. I don't have the strength to fight with her. Why did I let her drag me? Why do I feel like...

She opened the door and pulled me inside an empty classroom. She closed the door and made sat on the chair. She also sat on the opposite side facing me. 

"What's with you?"

She gave me a form "Just answer the questions and I'll ask you some"

I started writing my name, level, age, phone number and address. There's also yes and no answers but I answered it without thinking. I gave it back to her and looked at her.

"Okay, Chan. I am Minji, a student counselor. I just want to ask you some questions" she smiled and started writing something on the paper "Do you know Zatie?"

I was froze as I heard the first question.

"Are you trying to play with me?"

"Huh? No, I'm not. I just want to ask you. That's my first question" Minji said and stared straight to my eyes

"I do know her"

"Are you okay?" Minji

"I am"

"You are?" Minji asked and crossed her arms as she smiled "You know, I am a counselor but not a professional one. I am doing this to help you. I know what happened and I am completely aware how you and your friends parted. You guys are affected and I must say you all need to talk to each other. Why are you all making it harder for each one of you? You all should be stronger and also friendship. Do you think she'll be happy to see you all falling apart because of her? Why not-"

"What do you know? Did you bumped into me intentionally just to tell me all of those?"

"What do you think, Chan?" she raised her eyebrow

"You don't know anything"

"Let me at least help-" Minji

"I don't need any help from anyone. You are a counselor, you should help those who ask you, not forcing someone. I don't know you and I don't care whoever you are. I want to be alone, don't-"

"You are being too much. I just want to help-" Minji

"Help others not me. I can handle myself and I don't need any help. Leave me alone, don't ever try to show up in front of me" I carried my bag and stood up but she held my wrist

"You just hurt my feelings but it doesn't matter. I understand what you feel and I know it'll be a long process for you to accept everything alone" Minji

Why is she making me feel bad? As if I care for her.

"Just always remember I am willing to hold your hand when no one wants to" she smiled

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