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Third person's POV



Hyunjin woke up because his phone rang. He take a look at it and saw Chan's number and Zatie's missed calls.

He stood up and went to the bathroom. He took a very quick bath, he doesn't want Chan to talk all day just to scold him. He wore his clothes and prepared himself. He tied his hair and wore his shoes. He left the apartment carryig his phone and wallet. He went to the bus stop and finally sat. He looked at his phone and saw Chan's messages.

From : Chan

Answer your phone, dumb.

Instead of waiting for Chan's call. He called him...

calling Chan...


[Hey? Ya, we're waiting here! Are you with Minho?]

"No, I just woke up when you called me. Why?"

[He said he will pick you up]

"And he didn't"

[Where the hell did he go?]

"Maybe he is with Zatie?

[You think so? Alright, then. Try to call Zatie. Also, buy some chicken and beer on your way here. There's a chicken and beer shop, near a bar.]

"I will, just make sure to pay me"

[No worries! Take care!]

Hyunjin ended the call and tried caling Zatie but no one is answering.


Zatie just finished preparing herself. She took out her phone as she ran downstairs while her hair is still a mess.

"Zatie? Aren't you going to visit Hyunjin?" Mrs. Park asked

"Nah, let him visit here instead, ever since he went there he never visited us" Zatie said and brushed her hair

"Your phone is vibrating. Aren't you going to see the message?" Mr. Park Chul said

Zatie looked at her phone and saw an unknown number sent her a message. At first she ignored it but a message was sent again.

From : Unknown number

You are Minho's girl, right?

To : Unknown number

I don't have much time to play.

From : Unknown number

He is cheating on you.

To : Unknown number

Why the hell are you trying to ruin us?! Are you Hyunjin? Ya! Stop! You're not funny!

From : Unknown number

I am telling you the truth. He is here at the bar near the chicken and beer shop. I'm not lying to you. If you want to see him then go here. Don't blame me if one he will break up with you. I already told you about what he is doing. Ready yourself.

To : Unknown number

Oh shut the hell up.

She turned off her phone and sat on the couch. She don't believe the sender but she's bothered. There's a lot of what ifs on her mind that she wants to answer. Her hands were sweating...

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Park asked

"I-I'll go and visit Hyunjin"  she lied

"Okay, take care. Make sure to tell him" Mr. Park Chul said

She nodded and left the house. She ran tot he bus stop as fas as she can. She can't forget those messages. She trust Minho but there's something that's telling her to look at the bar. She knows it's not right to be suspicious of Minho but she can't stop it. She wants to make sure nothing is happening.

As she arrived at the place. She started walking to the bar. She started sweating because of nervousness. She started breathing fast trying to calm herself. As she arrived at the open bar, she was about to enter when she saw someone familiar. She quickly hid herself.

She's trembling.

She saw Minho.

Her boy friend.

With a girl...

A lot of thoughts started appearing on her mind. She calmed herself and peeked a little. There, she saw Minho flirting with the girl. She suddenly received a message from the same number again.

From : Unknown number

Now, what? You saw everything. Do you still think I'm lying?

To : Unknown number

Who the hell are you?! What do you know?!

From : Unknown number

He is fooling you. Stop yourself now. He is just making fun of you. Don't hurt yourself.

To : Unknown number

Are you Hyunjin? Is it you? If it's you, show yourself...

From : Unknown number

I'm sorry but I can't. You can't know who I am. Please, be well. Take care of yourself. Go home now and think of your decisions. I'll watch you break up with Minho. I'll promise to help you forget him.

Zatie is shaking as she saw how Minho kissed the girl. She started crying and the rain started pouring at the same time...

She wants everything to end.

She felt betrayed.

And hurt...


Hyunjin finished paying for the chicken and beer. He went to the bus stop and stood there waiting for the bus to come. He looked at his phone and saw no reply from Zatie.

His heart almost dropped when he saw Zatie from afar "Zatie!" he called but there's no response

He is confused why would Zatie walk under the rain like she's a crazy one. She's not in her right mind.

Hyunjin sighed and was about to walk towards Zatie who's no crossing the street "Yoon Zatie!" he called again but his voice was covered because of a loud horn. He saw a light coming forward her.

He lost his voice.

Zatie finally looked at him with a smile.

He dropped everything...

He was about to run but it's too late...

End of Flashback

Hyunjin sat in front of Zatie's gravestone and put the bouquet of flower and a candle.

He sighed while looking at the gravestone "Do you really have to leave like that?"

His tears started falling...

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