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Third person's POV

After their class, Changbin went to the covered court as soon as the class ended. He doesn't know why the hell is he being so soft towards Felix and Hyunjin. He said that he won't join the team but he ended up joining it because of Heejin.

He put the bag down and started playing as much as he can. He kept dribbling, shooting and more. Every steps reminds him of those memories with his friends. If only she's still there, they won't end up like that. She means everything to them and no one can replace them.

He lied down to the floor and breathed heavily. He is getting tired because of how he started and he used up all his energy. He just wants to get rid of what he feels.

How can they all end up like strangers? They should be stronger for Zatie

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How can they all end up like strangers? They should be stronger for Zatie. She will be mad at them for sure.

He stood up and started playing again. This time his tears started falling for the first time ever since she left. Changbin is good at hiding his feelings and controlling his tears if he wants to but now...

 Changbin is good at hiding his feelings and controlling his tears if he wants to but now

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Heejin quietly stood there at the door watching Changbin play with the darkness. She wants to approach him but he don't want to ruin the moment that he is finally letting go of the hard feelings.

Changbin fell to the ground because he lost his balance. He annoyingly removed his shoes and wiped his tears. He is already hurt and he even got hurt now.

"Changbin" Heejin called as she entered the room

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"Changbin" Heejin called as she entered the room

Changbin quickly fixed his face before she sees him "Why? Are we starting now?"

Heejin shook her head "They are still doing something"

"Ah" he answered and lied down to the floor

She watched him stare at the ceiling of the court "Changbin"

"Hmm?" Changbin

"Thank you" Heejin

"For what?" Changbin

"You saved me from being alone. You never let me go anywhere alone, you would always show up and will act like you don't care. Seriously, I am not stupid not to know that you actually care for me. Despite of what you feel, you still care for others which is really amazing. I thought you're a cold one but I was wrong" Heejin

Changbin sighed "Stop the drama"

She lied down as well "I am being serious. I found friends because of you. This time, I will be the one to save you from loneliness. I will save you from the darkness that was keeping you"

"Zatie is the type of person who would never let anyone feel like they are being left out. She would always approach everyone with a smile and positivity. Although, she is kinda scary and intimidating because that's how she grew up. She's a independent woman and she always care for others especially Hyunjin. She would always tell us goodnight and goodmorning. She will always buy some snacks for everyone" Changbin smiled and his tears started falling "The day she left, we weren't there. No one showed up except for Hyunjin, Felix, their Mom and Dad"

"I-Is that what you regret the most?" Heejin

"No" he answered and wiped his tears while smiling "I would never want to see her close her eyes. I never regret not going there"


They both entered the production room. They saw Yen, Felix, Hyunjin and Klaire busy talking about something.

"So, I was hoping that we will film this scenes based on the weather. For example, there's a dark atmosphere scene, let's shoot it during the dark clouds" Klaire said and wrote on the sketch board "In that way, we can easily tell what does the character feels. We just need a person who can film perfectly or someone who has experience with filming"

"Hyunjin-" Changbin said

Klaire shook her head "He will appear in the first scene. We really have to find someone who can shoot perfectly. We can just rent one person or at least treat that person to a meal after"

"I did the slate board back then so I don't know how to film" Felix said

"I didn't even held a camera to film someone" Changbin said

"She can help" Seungmin said as he entered the door

"Hi, I am Jiyoung and I have experience in filming" Jiyoung smiled

"Uh..." Yen said as she find it awkward between Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Changbin

"Perfect!" Heejin said and dragged Jiyoung and Seungmin inside the room

"Okay, so the props" Klaire said and signaled Yen to stand up

"I'll take care of the weather tomorrow. I'll see if we are able to shoot or not" Yen said

The door once again opened that made everyone look.

Chan entered...

Hyunjin smiled "You finally decided"

Jiyoung smiled as she felt like everything is going to be fine. She's happy for them especially for Seungmin.

"Okay, Yen is part of the props along with Heejin. I am assigned as the scriptwriter and director. Jiyoung will be the one to film the scenes. The rest of you are main characters of the story" Klaire explained

Chan sat beside Yen "May I know what is the first scene?"

"First scene is Hyunjin but you all have to read the script as well so everythings is ready once you will start filming" Klaire said and gave Chan and Seungmin the scripts

Changbin can't help but smile wide as he finally felt like the film is going to be fun like before.

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