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Third person's POV

Seungmin is boredly listening to the teacher. His eyes were darted to the board pretending to focus when his mind is full of thoughts.

"So, our citeria changed. First is the editing skill will be 25%. Of course, editing skill is really important. It's a big help to the film for example the lightings, backgrounds and more. Second is the audio 10%. The voices should be clear, there's no background noise. Third is the filming 15%, the angle of the camera should be a good one, it should focus on the important characters in the video. Lastly is the content 50%. That is the very important one. I gave you all a free pick of what kind of film you all want. It should be meaningful and everyone will be relate to it. That's the important one that the judges changed this time" the teacher said

He looked at the window and stared at the sky. He is hoping that the class will end soon. They only have 5 minutes but why does it feel like forever?

"Class dismissed" the teacher said and left their room

"What are our plans?" Hyunjin asked Felix

He stood up and carried his bag as he walked to the door but then, he bumped to Chan. He just sighed and went inside without telling him anything.

Seungmin annoyingly smirked and left the room completely. He went somewhere as he carried his book with him. He sat at the empty metal bench and took out his books and notebook.

That girl from last nigh left him alone after asking if he is the one who texted Minho that night before Zate got into an accident. He was so shocked and didn't managed to answer it. His eyes started getting teary last night as soon as Jiyoung left him alone. He can't stop but feel guilt of what happened.

He started writing to help himself forget what happened last night but his mind kept reminding him. He tried to make himself busy but that doesn't help him at all.

He annoyingly put the pen and notebook down as he heavily sighed

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He annoyingly put the pen and notebook down as he heavily sighed...

He annoyingly put the pen and notebook down as he heavily sighed

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Jiyoung saw Seungmin sitting alone.

"Jiyoung, should we grab some snacks?" a friend asked her

"You guys go ahead. I'll just go there later" she said and watched them walk away

She doesn't want to keep in touch with Seungmin but she needs answer. She didn't heard what was Seungmin's answer to her question. She went to him and sat beside him quietly.

"What are you doing here?" Seungmin asked while keeping his eyes closed

"I need your answer. Did you texted Zatie that night about Minho?" she asked, straightforward.

"I-I did" he answered and slowly turned his head to her "Are you okay now?"

Jiyoung shook her head and crossed her arms "Although I knew it was you since you answered my text last night and I finally confirmed it now. Since I started, I want to continue everything and know what happened"

"How am I supposed to trust you when you tried to ruin the evidence?" Seungmin asked

Jiyoung sighed "I wasn't the only one who took the phone. There's a girl two weeks ago who took the phone. The phone came back yesterday morning and I gave it to them on the afternoon but I deleted it after I got the information. Now tell me"

"Minho's Father forced me to text Zatie about his son. He said that I should make them break up or he will remove my scholarship. I got scared, I became selfish and did it. I texted Zatie about Minho. The next day, I found out that Zatie got commatose" Seungmin sighed and looked down "I never thought I will be the reason why would she be in an accident. If only I knew, I should've let go of the scholarship"

"I knew it. It's a little suspicious when the police was hesitating to release the evidence. They said they are not yet investigating the phone. It's been two years how come they didn't tried to investigate. Someone paid them to cover up Minho's name because he will be the one to blame by your friends if ever they found out. It was all because of his Father" Jiyoung annoyingly sighed and she looked at him "Aren't you going to tell them about what you know?"

"Why would I?" Seungmin

"They kept guessing and finding answers. For two years, your friends wants to know the reason why everything turned out that way. I also believe that Zatie wants to tell them why" she answered

"It wasn't just Minho's fault. I am also the one to blame. I texted her and it happened. How am I supposed to face them after I telling them about what I know? Just seeing them happy, satisfies me. I can't ruin them while trying to fix everything now" Seungmin

Jiyoung nodded "I understand but never blame yourself for what happened. It was all Minho's Father's fault. I can see that he is against between Minho and Zatie's relationship. He just used you and he also used your weak part"

Seungmin started crying "I-I want to tell them but I don't know how"

"I'm not gonna force you nor pressure you to tell them. You should decide and take your time. I guess one day you will tell them bravely" Jiyoung

He stayed quiet and thought of what might happen once he told them...

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