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Klaire's POV

"Class dismissed" our teacher said and left the classroom

I started to fix my things when a group of my classmates went to me "What?"

"Aren't you part of Felix's production team? We all know the issue that was revealed yesterday, a conversation between Zatie and unknown number. Some of the seniors saw how Hyunjin and Minho fought in their room. What happened? Are they still going to continue the film?" classmate

"Didn't the guidance counselor talked to all of us not to gossip about the issue? Let's respect Zatie. If you can't shut your mouth, at least not ask me. You know how much I cared for them and hearing you gossiping about them makes me go mad. You know how kind I am but you will never love it when I get mad. Just zip your mouth" I took my bag with me and left the classroom

How can they be so insensitive? I wonder if their Mother taught them what the meaning of respect is. I know none of them deleted the conversation but I hope they are trying to respect them.

"Klaire!" Yen called and ran to me while her face is full of dirt and her uniform is wet 

"What happened to you?"

"Ah, those bully students. They tried to ask me about Jeongin and his friends. I chose not to answer and ignored them. Then, they started to say harsh things to me and started throwing foods to me" Yen

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, I am. I am used to this kind of treatment from them. I think this is better than sharing to them what happened to Jeongin and his friends. I'd rather be bullied than ruin their privacy" Yen smiled

I dragged her to the production room and saw Felix "H-Hey"

I don't know but I feel like I shouldn't have disturbed him. I know he needs some time for himself and for what happened yesterday.

"What are you two doing here? Don't you have classes?" Felix asked

Yen shook her head "You know our schedule. Are they on their way her to shoot?"

Felix didnt't answered and kept things that we use for filming in the box, camera, slate board, scripts, lighting equipment, audio equipment and more.

"What are you doing?"

He stood up as he hid the boxes somewhere in the room "I appreciate that you two really cared for us same goes to Heejin, Jiyoung and Haeun. Thank you for helping us with the film but we chose not to continue. After what happened, I don't think we can still continue it. We all chose to focus on ourselves this time. You guys can focus on your studies and be a better students. I seriously appreciated your hard works. Thank you" he smiled at me and walked out of the room

Just like that?

"What happened? What was that?" Yen asked

I shook my head and started wiping her face and uniform. I tried to remove all of the dirts from her uniform but it won't go away.

"We're here!" Heejin entered

"Sorry, we're late" Jiyoung

"You guys arrived on time. The filming won't continue because of what happened. I guess those conversation has a big impact to all of them. They want to focus on theirselves for now"

Heejin sighed "I saw Changbin earlier but he completely ignored me like he didn't saw anyone"

"Same. I saw Seungmin crying at the field. I want to approach him but I chose not to. I think he needs some time for himself" Jiyoung

"What is happening?" I whispered as I felt worried about Felix. He is trying to control his emotions again.

"Minho is in the hospital" Haeun said as soon as she entered the room

"What?!" Yen shouted

"Why? What happened?" Heejin

"How did you know?" Jiyoung

Haeun sat on the chair as she crossed her arms "I saw Jeongin going somewhere. He told me to go to the hospital and gave me the address. I am sure he is trying to find some fight. I can tell it. Anyway, I went to the hospital and guess what? Minho tried to kill himself for finding out what happened. I talked to Jisung and he is so worried about the others. He is trying to be strong but I am aware of what he feels. He left the hospital as he received a message from someone. After that he didn't came back and Minho's Mother arrived"

"Oh my gosh" Heejin whispered

"I also heard from Minho's Mother that something happened in their home. Minho found out something and it hurt him. His Father has something to do with what happened to Zatie" Haeun

"What should we do now?"

"I don't know. I just hope the others are fine. We still don't know if Chan and Hyunjin are fine. We need to go there or at least ask Avery" Jiyoung

"I know Avery won't let Hyunjin be alone. She would comfort him as much as she can. Hyunjin is important to Zatie, that makes him important to Avery"Haeun

Someone knocked on the door and entered "I-Is this Felix's production team?"

Yen nodded "Yes"

"I am Minji. May I ask where Chan is? I heard about the conversation. You don't have to worry I know Chan and he opened up about what happened to Zatie. I was just worried about him" Minji

"We don't have any idea" Heejin

"I hope he is fine" Minji whispered

I hope they are all fine, especially Felix.

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