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Third person's POV

"Your phone vibrated" Haeun told Jisung

Jisung opened his phone and received a message from Hyunjin "Excuse" he said and quickly left the room

He started walking to the parking lot as he felt like something is wrong again. He don't want Haeun to remember what she looks like when her sister died, Jisung chose to go dar from her where she can't hear or see him.

He arrived at the parking lot and finally read the message from Hyunjin.

From : Hyunjin

Minho sent this before he answered your call.

From : Hyunjin

I know this is not the right way for me to apologize for what my Father did. I just want you to know about what happened. That night, I am sure that I was with Zatie the whole night. I even woke up in my apartment. Only Zatie knew my passcode. My Father did something and I think he drugged me to start to hallucinate. He forced Seungmin to text Zatie and scared him that he will remove Seungmin's scholarship. It was all planned by my Father and he wants me and Zatie to be ruined. I guess his plan worked out. Zatie got into an accident which wasn't part of his plan. She was commatose for many months but my Father did something. She's supposed to be alive today but Father did an agreement with the hospital. They agreed not to treat Zatie anymore in exchange of 10 million dollars. I am also at fault here. Please, forgive me. I want things to be fine but I guess fate is playing with us. I promise to make my Father and the hospital pay for what they did. This is also a good bye for all of us. Again, sorry.

"N-No" he whispered as his phone dropped

His eyes were darted somewhere far and his hand tightened into a fist

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His eyes were darted somewhere far and his hand tightened into a fist...

His eyes were darted somewhere far and his hand tightened into a fist

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Felix heavily sigh as he read the message that was sent by Hyunjin to them. Thinking that everything is doing fine and having a progress of moving on. It was the hardest thing for him.

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