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Hyunjin's POV

I rode my motorcycle as fast as I can. Where should I go now? I want to sleep with her but how? Aunt and Uncle will probably get worried.

I answered the call through my air pod.


[This is Felix. Are you going to join or not? I don't want to rush yo but I want to save a slot for you]

"I still want to think about it"

[Are you going home already?]

"I am"

[Alright, take care. I'll send you some notes for today]

"Thank you"

He ended the call.

I drove with a high speed. When I want to die I am always lucky that I survive. But why Zatie? She never wanted to die. She wants to live longer. Why her?

I parked the motorcycle in front of the house and went inside. I saw no one in the living room. I bet they went somewhere or to Zatie. If it's hard for me, it's even harder for them. They took care of us and protected us but she ended up leaving us for good. I went straight to my room and lied down on my bed.

I looked at the painting on the ceiling. I never tried to remove it not even once. I'd rather fell sleep looking at the ceiling to remember every memory with her. Every corner of this house reminds me of her. How can I forget?

Even though she chose Minho...

I still love her.



"Zatie..." Minho called

He was about to hold her hand but...

...I already took her hand before Minho did

Everyone was shocked especially Minho who didn't see that coming. He looked at him and looks confused.

Zatie was shocked as well "Hyunjin..."

"Hyunjin, we're filming right now" Changbin told me

I quickly let go of Zatie's hand "I'm sorry I was just-"

"It's okay. Let's continue that part. Let Hyunjin cut that one" Chan said

I quickly went back to my place and continued filming them. I looked the two of them and they look so natural. I know I am jealous and I am aware of it. How can I control this? Just seeing Minho hold her hand makes me go mad. I know she treats me as her brother but I still want to try. What if she likes me? What if I have a chance?


I was about to go to our classroom when I saw the locker room. Something was pushing me to go inside. I went in and saw Zatie and Minho. I quickly hid.

"What do you want to tell me?" Minho asked

"Minho, I know this is too sudden. I-I think I like you" Zatie...

She likes him? No way.

"What made you like me?" Minho

"D-Do I need a reason to like someone?" Zatie

"Is it about the looks? personality? or you just want me to be your first boyfriend?" Minho

Lee Minho, you jerk!!! How dare you?!

"I-" Zatie

"I hope you like me because I am Minho. To be honest, I like you as well. The thing is, everything around me is complicated. There might be something that can ruin my relationship with someone and there's something that can ruin us" Minho

"What do you mean?" Zatie

"My family is making everything around me complicated. I already lost everything I have back then. I'm afraid that once you became mine, I might lose you. I wanted to make you mine but I'm scared" Minho

"You're not gonna lose me. Let's give it a try. I will fight for you until the end. You don't have to worry" Zatie smiled at him

And I'm gonna lose you....

"How about Hyunjin?" Minho

"What about Hyunjin?" Zatie asked

Minho met my eyes "Nothing. I was just worried that he might hate me for dating his sister"

I am speechless...

End of Flashback

I'd rather watch you end up with Minho than lose you. It's been years but everything is still fresh on my mind. How you smiled at me that night before you fell to the ground... How you held my hand as we go to the hospital. I never wanted to let you go that night. I want to hold your hand longer. 

"Hyunjin? Are you already home?" Aunt asked as she knocked on my door

I stood up and opened it "Yes. I just got here a few minutes ago"

"You should go downstairs. We brought some foods for you" she smiled at me and went downstairs

I quickly ran downstairs and saw them both eating quietly. It's not like this. We are always loud, laughing and talking when Zatie was still here. She is giving us the positive energy and cheering us up during our hard times. Damn. I wish you're here. I sat on an empty seat leaving one space beside me. Zatie...

"I'm glad you came home. We were so worried about you" Uncle Chul smiled

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to clear things on my mind"

"It's fine. I hope you will come here often. We feel lonely when you left and we even felt lonely when Zatie left for good" Uncle Chul

The three of us continued eating. It's really quiet now...


They both looked at me. 

"If it's okay I-I want to go back here"

"Of course, you can. You always can" Aunt smiled

The doorbell rang.

"I'll open it" I stood up and quickly went to the door. I am not expecting anyone to go here since Felix is in school while the others won't bother go here. 

As soon as I opened the door I was froze...

"Hyunjin! Who's that?" Aunt asked


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