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Hyunjin's POV

"Hyunjin, bring this to Avery's room" Aunt said and gave me the watermelon

I took it and went upstairs. I can't believe what is happening right now. How the hell I saw Zatie at first glance? The hair, her lips, eyes, how she stood and sat earlier. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why the hell am I getting this feeling?

I knocked on the door "This is Hyunjin"

She opened it and smiled "Why?"

Her smile.

"Aunt wants you to have this" I handed her the plate of watermelon

"Wow! Thanks" she smiled and ate on piece as he looked at me "Oh! I forgot. I am Yoon Avery"

I nodded "I'm Hwang Hyunjin. I'll see you tomorrow. I have to do things-"

"Aren't you going to ask questions?" Avery asked

"Huh? Why?"

"I was just hoping you will ask me" Avery looked at me and started to analyze my face "I've heard about you Hwang Hyunjin. I am glad we met now"

"You know me?"

"I do" Avery


"Come inside if you want to know more" Avery said and sat on the chair

I went inside and let the door open "I'm confused"

"Of course you are. I am expecting that" Avery

"Now tell me. How did you know me? Who told you about me?"

"Zatie did" Avery


Avery nodded "When you talked to our Mom and Dad once. I saw you. I also want to talk to them but they won't listen to me. Just like Zatie, I was abandoned by them. I was sent to a different place and grew up in a different family. I tried to find them and that's when I found out you are Zatie's adopted brother. I started to get in touche with Zatie after a month. She kept telling me stories and it was so fun. Most of the stories were all about the film, friends, your family and especially you" she looked at me


She nodded "Zatie told me that she and Minho were getting along with each other. You confessed to her but she chose Minho over you. I know everything so well but there's one thing you need to know"

I looked at her

"She talks a lot about you. You know why?" Avery


"Zatie likes you ever since" Avery smiled

Damn. How come I never noticed? Wth.

"She was just scared that you two will have an awkward relationship since you two grew up as siblings. Aside from that, she thinks you deserve someone better so she helped herself to move on. In the process of moving on, she met Minho and that's when she started to have feelings for him" Avery

"I'm getting confused again"

"She likes you but she was scared of the risks. She chose to move on and that's when she fell in love with Minho. In short, the time that you were all making the On Track film, she still has feelings for you. She rejected you for a reason and I know that reason will make her happy" Avery smiled at me

How the hell am I seeing Zatie?

"If she found out that I am telling you about that. She will get mad at me hahahah" she laughed

I can't believe this. Avery is Zatie's sister, that explains why they look like each other so much. Also, their personality hasn't big difference. I can't believe she never told me about her sister.

I can't believe she likes me.

If only I knew, I would've fought for her. I don't care if Minho or the others will get mad at me. I just want to win her so bad.

"Did you tried to ask for her phone?" Avery asked

"They don't want to give it. I don't know if something will be revealed there or what. Until now, I don't know how she ended up looking like that. Her smile before she got hit. Everything is still a mystery for us. Uncle Chul tried to tske the evidence but they won't let him have it"

"How about Minho? Did you tried to ask him if there's a problem between him and Zatie?" Avery

"We're not talking anymore"

"I see. I'll just see yoy tomorrow. I want to rest for now" Avery smiled

I nodded and left the room quickly. I went to my own room and lied down on my bed as I look at the ceiling.




She ran towards me and gave me a chocolate "Do you want one?"

"Oh no, thanks. I just want to tell you something important"

"Are you going to confess as well?" Zatie asked

"Did someone confessed to you?"

Zatie smirked "Aside from Minho, yes there are others"


"I'm not gonna tell you. So, what are you going to say?" Zatie

"Why are you asking? You already know what it is"

Zatie started laughing and playfully hit me "Don't be silly. I was just kidding you. How are you going like your sister? If you are trying to prank me better luck next time then"

"But I am serious"

"I know. I just don't know how to tell you and..." Zatie looked away


"Minho and I are dating since last week. He asked me out. I am sorry for not telling you-" Zatie

"I'm glad. I wish that you and Minho will be happy together"

End of Flashback


I told you. I wish for you and Minho to be happy together.

How can you just leave? Dumbass.

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