Interview with Sokeefe

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A/N: Okay, the Interview oneshots are wayyyy shorter than I'd like them to be, but I have to end somewhere... So I picked a stop at 10 questions. Well, this oneshot has a lot more fluff than the other two, hope you enjoy it!!! You should know the code by now... What 'I', 'K', and 'S' stand for... But SK means Sokeefe 'kayz? Welp, go read it!


(Setting: A typical TV interview room with the three armchairs, the Interviewer sitting on one with her face blurred out, Keefe sitting on the one opposite her and the third armchair empty 'cause Sophie decided to sit on the arm of Keefe's chair and lean on him :))


Interviewer: Sophie, could you, uh, sit on the other chair please?

Sophie: No.

I: Why not?

S: 'Cause I don't wanna.

I: Fine... *Mental squeals about how cute they are*


Keefe: Question 1, who answers the questions?

I: Uh, I'm the interviewer, not you...

K: I just wanna know.

I: Okay, okay... Both of you answer it.

Sokeefe: Shoot.


I: Actual question 1 this time, what did you guys find out about each other's interview replays?

K: I found out that Foster thinks I'm perfect. *Smirks*

S: *facepalm* *mumbles* remind me to kill Biana later...

I: *grins* What about you Sophie?

S: That we're actually pretty similar.

I: Oh really? How so?

S: I'm pretty sure, we practically said the same thing about each other.

Everyone: *watches playback of interviews* True, true.


I: Question 2, this is typical couple question, so Keefe, if Sophie and the most important person to you fell into the ocean, who would you save?

K: *Confused* Foster is the most important person to me. Are there two of her?

S: *pushes his head away and blushes* Oh, stop being so cheesy.

K: But it's the truth!

I: Moving on, Sophie, answer the question, but this time it's Keefe who fell into the ocean.

K: Wait, why do we keep taking turns to fall into the ocean?

S: Metaphorically, you idiot!

S: And to answer the question, I'd just ask him to levitate up by himself. Sure, it's the ultimate couple question for humans, but elves have an advantage.

K: Wait, so I'm not the most important person to you?

S: *sarcastically* No, it's Councillor Alina, OF COURSE IT'S YOU! WHY ARE YOU BEING MORE IDIOTIC THAN USUAL?

K: I'm usually idiotic?

S: *Makes an exasperated sound* Just, just stay in the ocean

K: You're coming with me then, right? *Smirks*

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