Human Assistance Scheme Part 2

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A/N: Dedicated to KotlcFan31

You requested a HAS Part 2, so here you go!!

(Nope, I haven't forgotten, you still have 3 requests after this... XD, it'll take me some time to write, so PLEASE BE PATIENT!!!)

And to Sokeefeforever123 , I haven't forgotten your requests either, you have three requests too, lol, so I'll alternate the both of your requests.

This oneshot mostly doesn't have a plot, just a continuation of the previous HAS oneshot and yeah... I apologise if there's any information here that I've forgotten or rewritten wrongly, it's been a while since I'd written the previous one...

(I also might have A/Ns here, just so you know...)


I used to have a series of tildes (~) and bullet points (•) for time skips, but that's getting too annoying, so I'm just using a single tilde as a time skip. (Across all my books)

So yeah, don't get confused or anything, I just changed my time skips.



Sophie wondered why alarm clocks had ever been invented. Especially as she was woken up early in the morning to go to school.

Having school so early? Humans were too weird.

"Get up," she groaned, gently kicking Keefe's leg.


"Because we need to get to school, dummy. If we're late, then we'll get detention. If we get detention, then Bronte will hear about it, and never let us off."


"Keefe, I'm serious!" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, bracing her elbows on her knees.

"Humans are weird. Why do they have school?" He complained, mirroring her actions.

"To be fair, we have school too."

He yawned, and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Move it, Hunkyhair," she protested, flicking his nose. "If you get detention again today, I'll murder you."

(I love writing sleepy scenes.)


If Sophie learnt one thing, it was why elves had one to one lessons in school.

Because sitting in a class with Keefe as her classmate was the most distracting thing ever.

Even if he certainly was a very handsome distraction.

Due to the fact that she was in Advanced Math, that meant that she studied in the same Math class as those a level older than her.

And already, Keefe was been hit on by five girls. His response was always the same, cocky line, "Appreciate the attention, lady, but no thanks, my girl won't like that very much."

Then he would nod down to their somehow constantly intertwined fingers.

And she'd facepalm, and blush, and start apologising to the poor victim.

She almost felt bad for them, honestly.



"Just for very important information, just in case you guys freak out, Austin's coming back tomorrow," Aaron informed them during lunch.

Tori groaned. Maya smirked.

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