Confessions: Part 3 of 3

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A/N: Guess what? Part 3 is out!!! Yay! I can't believe I managed to write it... It did take some time though, there were just some parts where I was like: What to write next? Anyways, this is in third person POV again, I find it easier to write that way. Also, same thing as Part 2, try not to drink water while reading it ;) Now on to the story!

"Next stop," Sophie whispered, gently prying Keefe's arms from around her waist.

He pouted, making his face look even more adorable than it already was. "Do we have too?"

Sophie sighed. "I know, I know. But you said it yourself. He'll be less angry if we tell him ourselves."


They made their way up to the Leapmaster, and leaped to Everglen.

"Still super weird without the gigantic glowing gates." Sophie noted, being the extremely observant person she was.


Keefe rang the doorbell, and Sophie found herself silently praying that Fitz would be the one to open the door so that no one else would know they were here.

Apparently her prayers had been answered when the teal eyed boy opened the door.

"Hey, Fitzy," Keefe grinned like he hadn't seen his best friend in years.

"Hi," he smiled, but was very obviously confused to why they were both there.

"We came to talk to you," Sophie said quickly. "Is there anywhere, urm, private?"

"Uh, I guess we could go to my room. Biana won't go in there after
I once told her I hid a couple of muskcogs in there."

Keefe cracked up. "Dude, you realise how awesome a statement that is?"

The two friends laughed, but Sophie found herself wringing her hands together nervously. By the end of the day, they might not even be friends.

The trio made it to Fitz's room without anyone intercepting them. Thank gods.

"So," he plopped down on his bed. "What did you guys want to talk about?"

Sophie bit her lip. "Okay so, I need you to promise not to get angry. Or to say anything you might regret later..." she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Fitz looked puzzled. "Um, ooookaaaayyy... But why would what you're gonna talk to me about make me angry?"

"'Cause the world knows you like Sophie but now Foster and I are dating," Keefe said bluntly.

Sophie nearly bit her own tongue and accidentally ended her own life.

Seriously, seriously extremely horrible idea to just blurt it out like that, she transmitted.

So? Keefe thought. The faster we do it, the faster it gets over.

He had a point. But the point seemed really, well, blunt when Fitz's brow furrowed and he pursed his lips.

Then he did the most unexpected thing Sophie would have... Expected. He snorted. Then fell from his bed, cracking up.

"What the-" she exchanged a look with Keefe. Sophie didn't know who had said that. It could have been her.

"You okay, buddy? Need me to call Elwin?" He asked, as confused as her.

"I'm-fine-" Fitz said between laughs. It had been a good few minutes before he straightened up and went back to normal.

Whatever normal was at that point.

"Um... " Sophie bit her lip, more confused than ever. Clearly she was missing something. Thankfully, she wasn't the only one.

Keefe was looking at his best friend like he'd grown 2 extra heads. "Um, explain what that was for my friend?"

Fitz nodded and used telekinesis to grab to chairs for them. "Or would you rather sit in each others' laps?" He asked, smirking.

Both blushed, before taking a seat. "Now, my friend, it's time to explain what's going on with the world," said Keefe.

"Let's put it this way," Fitz replied, folding his hands in his lap. "The entire universe knew your feelings for each other and was waiting for you to get together. Biana was the mastermind. She told me to fake-like Sophie to make Keefe jealous, so he'd finally confess."

"Oh what the heck..." Sophie murmured.

"But you were the biggest idiot in the world." Fitz glared at Keefe. "Biana's plan backfired. Like, wayyyyy more than possible. 'Cause you decided to give Sophie up."

Sophie frowned. She was still way more confused than she probably was supposed to be.

"So you mean..." She began, but Fitz interrupted her. "I mean don't get me wrong, but you've always been like a sister to me. I told you that before. And besides," he threw Keefe a look. "I'd neeeeeeeveeerrrr betray my first and best friend."

"W-wow, thanks man, I didn't know I was so important to you," Keefe spoke with confusion, but slow acceptance.

"Seriously?" Fitz scoffed. "You're practically my sibling. More so than Biana."

The three of them laughed. "Though to be honest, I'm second greatest Sokeefe shipper in the world, just to tell you. First is Biana, but she keeps insisting it's Team Foster-Keefe."

Sophie and Keefe blushed. "Thank you," said Sophie, hugging Fitz. "You've always been like a brother to me too. I'm just starting to realise that." She winked.

"Oh yeah, thanks again Fitzy, and don't tell anyone 'bout our relantionship 'kay? We're playing who's more oblivious," Keefe smirked.

"Okay, got it, now even though I say I ship y'all, I draw the line at making out in front of me. Also, get out of my room, I need to study, else I'll fail mid-terms." Fitz pushed them out into the hallway, grinning.

"But Wonderboy never fails! And bye!" Keefe yelled through the door.

He smiled, a genuine smile, not a smirk or a grin and took Sophie's hand.

"Let's get back," he suggested. "We'll probably get clobbered by Gigantor and Ro. We also never actually got to practice mimicking."

Sophie laughed, and raised her home crystal to the light, letting the warm light sweep her away.

When they got back, they did, in fact, get clobbered by their bodyguards, but forget about mimicking, the two lovebirds were busy kissing.

A/N: Yay! That's the end of 'Confessions'!!! Bet you the entire elvin birth fund of 5 trillion dollars that you didn't expect that. Me: *smirks* 😏😏😏 (Yeah, I actually calculated how much money they have)

That subject aside, and a new one here:

"You drool when you sleep"

Percy Jackson, anyone!?!?😂😂😂
Heroes Of Olympus?!?!😂😂😂

Also, comment please, I love reading comments, not that I usually get a lot, but you can change that!

That's it for now, bye!

Word count: 1095 words (including A/N because I'm too lazy to count otherwise)


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