Spy AU Part 1

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A/N: Yay! I got this out! Personally, I like it, but if you have any opinions or suggestions on how to improve it, please tell me! I'll stop bothering you now and let you go read it. :)

Sophie mentally cursed as she glared up at the cliff wall that was bathed in moonlight. "This is all your fault, Agent Forkle," she mumbled to herself. "I swear, if I end up failing this mission, it's on you."

She sighed. It wasn't entirely his fault. She WAS Agent Moonlark after all.

Sophie thought back to the fateful day when she was three. Not that she regreted it, but sometimes, she wondered what would her life turn out to be if she hadn't agreed to join the Black Swan...


Young 3 year old Sophie Foster sat in the dark stairwell, reading non other than an encyclopedia.

No one could really blame her for it. She'd been told she was way more mature than her age. And her favourite book was the thick encyclopedia in the library that everyone ignored.

Heck, it was thicker than her toddler sized head.

But the real reason why she kept her head down and her nose in a book was because she was at a foster home.

Her parents died in a car accident. With her newborn sister, Amy, no older than 2 months.

They died because of her.

She hid because of guilt.

Till that day, she remembered what had happened. Every single painful detail.

A couple months back, her dad had been driving their family home from a vacation.

They were on a highway, with Amy in a small crib on the backseat, Sophie on her mom's lap in the front passenger seat.

Sophie flipped through a picture book, fascinated by the vibrant colours on the page.

"Careful, honey," her mom warned, smiling. "You don't want to drop your book."

"Okay," Sophie grinned.

But then she did drop the book. "Oops," she murmured, then reached down to grab it.

"No, no, Sophie don't!" Her dad shouted. But it was too late.

Sophie's hand crashed onto the gear stick, making the car move backwards.

She could still hear her parents' screams and her sister's wailing as the entire car got crushed by a huge truck behind them.

It couldn't stop in time. The truck couldn't stop in time.

The car went under and got crushed to bits. No one in the car survived. No one but Sophie.

That's how her entire family died because of her one mistake.

That's why she was sent to a foster home. Relatives from both sides of the family refused to adopt her. They blamed her for her family's deaths.

The worst part? They weren't wrong.

The first few months, Sophie cried herself to sleep every single night. Nobody wanted to adopt a three year old. They only wanted to adopt babies.

That was why Sophie decided to distance herself from everyone. It was useless trying to make friends.

Everyone hated her.

It was also why she prefered the to hide in the dark stairwell where no one would be able to find her.

No one apart from Agent Forkle.

"Sophie," a ghostly voice called out to her one day. "Sophie, do you want a family?"

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