The Only Way Part 1

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A/N: Mildly depressing, some parts might not make sense, but yeah...

Warning, slight vulgarities 'cause I couldn't resist. :))

If you've read 'Chapter 6' of 'The Spy In You', you would know that my new favourite writing style is to write a scene twice, but both times in Sophie's and Keefe's third person POV respectively.



Keefe punched the wall, furious. Then recoiled in pain just as quickly.

He grimaced as bruises started to form around his bleeding knuckles. Sophie was sooooooooo going to over react.

Stupid wall.

Stupid Keefe.

Not again.

It was the third time that month.

You didn't kill him, Keefe reminded himself. You didn't. Just like all those other people...

It was ruining his sanity, bit by bit.

His mom. No, the woman who didn't deserved to be called that.

She'd asked him to kill another human drug addict. The third time.

She'd promised that he was helping the world. Helping them by getting rid of someone doing them harm.

How the heck was killing people helping them?!?

Of course, Keefe didn't have the heart to do it.

He simply beat them up slightly, used sedatives to knock them unconscious before leaving their body in a dark alley.

If Lady Gisela found out that they weren't dead, he'd simply claim that they did actually die when he saw them.

Sophie wouldn't approve.

Then again, he didn't even know her anymore.

She was different after she lost majority of her memories.

It was an accident.

Sophie had been listlessly strolling in the pastures in Havenfield when Wynn ran past and made her trip and fall.

She hit her head on a rock and was never the same again.

A huge amount of her memories were lost.

She forgot her past, her family, the Black Swan, everything she cared about.

Except him. She still loved him.

But she still left.

Left to join the Neverseen with nothing but a simple note.

Keefe spent days begging Glimmer before she finally told him where the Neverseen's main hideout was.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster. The Black Swan's star member. Their moonlark.

But now Gisela's favourite toy.

That's why Keefe went back to them. He couldn't let his mom do anything to Foster.

Now the only person she loved and cared about was him.

He should have been happy that she'd at least remembered him.

But he wasn't.

Sophie had changed. A lot.

Of course, her memory loss was to blame, but it didn't explain why she'd become so cold.

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