Interview with Sophie

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A/N: Hey! This is not as much as a oneshot as it a meme... Well, it's definitely too long to be a meme... Anyways, this is kind of an interview sort oneshot (pretty sure there are thousands of that kind everywhere), with Sophie. I'll do another with Keefe, and another with the both of them... This should be fun... The 'I' stands for Interviewer btw and the 'S' stands for Sophie.


Interviewer: Hey Sophie, welcome! This is a basic interview where I'll be asking you a couple questions about your life! You gotta answer them, no backing off!

Sophie: Urm, hello? Uh, okay, I'll try my best to answer but seriously, what the heck am I doing here?

I: Oh Biana signed you up.

S: Bi- you know what? Not gonna ask...


I: Question 1, how do you like being the moonlark?

S: Seriously? That's a hard question... Urm, okay! So sometimes, I feel really pressured, like, 'cause the Black Swan created me to be this... Powerful thing... And um, sometimes I'm scared that I'll disappoint them.

But most of the time, I feel kinda lucky? Don't ask me why, but it's like- like I feel glad to have someone backing me up. Or rather, a lot of someones when it comes to the Black Swan.

S: *shrugs*


I: *grins* Question 2, what do you like about Keefe?

S: *mumbles* I swear, I'm gonna kill Biana...

S: Where do I begin? Well for one thing, I've been betrayed many times, so I have EXTREME trust issues sometimes, and Keefe's like... One of the only people I actually trust.

Also the only person to ever go to such intense lengths to protect me.

He cheers me up when I get anxious, he's always there for me, I can always count on him and yeah, you get the point.

I: Aww, so sweet!


I: Question 3, describe Keefe's character.

S: You realise, that's not a question, but a statement asking me to do something, right?

I: Just answer!

S: Fine.

S: Dumb, stupid, sweet, loyal, kind, mischievous, sometimes infuriating, protective, considerate, annoying, loving, adorable... Yeah I think that's it...

I: What if you do it using one word?

S: Perfect

I: *dies of fangirling*

S: Don't tell him I said that, I won't hear the end of it for days. Years maybe.

I: You realise, he's gonna watch a replay of this, right?

S: Oh crap...


I: Question 4, what would you change about yourself?

S: Well, one thing would be my eyes, 'cause they're like, evidence. Solid evidence on my face that shows I'm not normal.

I: Say something else! Your eyes are like your unique trademark!

S: Fine. Another thing would be, hmm... *Bats eyelashes innocently* Everyone says I'm too stubborn.

I: I mean they're not wrong...


I: Question 5, what would be one ability you want to have?

S: Empathy.

I: *smirks* Why?

S: 'Cause then when Keefe plays the 'you can't lie to an Empath' trick, I can do it back to him.

I: Sassy.


I: Question 6, if you had the power to revive people who died, what is ONE person you would use it on?

S: You don't get to ask that question! I mean, if I could do all of them, I'd use it on Kenric, Calla, Mr Forkle, Jolie, and heck, I don't even know who else!

I: Pick one.

S: No! *Throws a goblin throwing star at the interviewer*

I: *Ducks just in time* OKAY! WE GET YOUR POINT!


I: Question 7, who inspires you?

S: What makes you think someone inspires me?

I: Everyone has someone who inspires them! Or like maybe someone who motivates you? Someone who keeps you going when you feel like dying?

S: The thought that I'm not gonna die so stupidly.

I: Uh... *Thinks of what happened in the last question* Okay!


I: Question 8, did you know that you're a fictional character?

S: What?!?!? You're the fictional character!!!

I: Um... Moving on...


I: Question 9, what is your biggest regret?

S: Letting Biana trick me into coming here.



I: Last question!

S: Finally!

I: This is the worst question, trust me. If all your family and friends and the rest of the world in all the other species were all captured by the Neverseen and you could only save one side, who would you save? The entire world? Or your friends and family?

S: All of them.

I: It doesn't work that way.

S: Well there's a loophole! If I sever my relationship with my family then they won't be my family. Then they'll be the rest of the world. Same with my friends. Then I'll just save the rest of the world and everyone lives.

I: ...

A/N: WHOO! Not gonna lie, that was fun!! The hardest part was thinking of the questions, but even that was super easy! Second long oneshot in a dayyyyy!!! New record!!!

Word count (excluding A/Ns): 722 words


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