Confessions Part 1

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A/N: This is my first ever story on Wattpad, I hope you enjoy it! Also, there are some spoilers from Legacy and Nightfall, so just a warning!

"Yo Foster!" Sophie heard a familiar voice call her from behind. Without turning, she immediately knew who it was.

Of course, who else would call her by her last name? And who else would show up at school with so much enthusiasm?

The answer to the second question, a person who would ditch every class at every chance he would get. The only and only Keefe Sencen.

Sophie turned from her locker to face him, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah Keefe? Why on earth would you be in the level four wing right before session starts?"

"No reason, just stopping by to say hello, but yikes! What's the huge mound of pukey feelings you're flinging at me?" Keefe flashed his trademark smirk, fanning the air.

"Yeah Blondie, what's with the long face?" Asked Ro, sauntering next to her charge.

Sophie rolled her eyes and turned back to her locker, licking the DNA strip that for some reason, tasted like Edaline's custard bursts that day.

"Nothing," she responded, grabbing the books she needed and tossing them into her bag. "I just, I-I guess I'm kinda nervous for mid-terms? It's coming in a week, but Lady Cadence wants me to master mimicking by then..." She frowned at the thought.

"And let's just say, she DOES NOT appreciate sounding like a grumpy Sandor." Sophie's frown deepened, as Keefe and Ro cracked up so hard, they doubled over. Even Sandor chuckled.

"Seriously guys, it's not funny. If she fails me..." Sophie trailed off, biting her lip.

Apparently, Keefe sensed her 'even puke-ier feelings', because he leaned over slightly and told her, "Hey, it's fine, you're the incredible Lady Fos-boss! How about, I come over after school today to help you with mimicking?"

A smile curled up on Sophie's lips. "Okay, how about an hour after school? I should be done with homework by then."

Keefe grinned. "It's a date Foster!" Just then, the bells chimed. "Ooh, I gotta go now, see ya later, Mysterious Miss F!"

He turned around and sped off. Right before he moved out of earshot, Sophie shouted, "Oh, and Keefe?"

He turned, a questioning look on his face. Sophie smiled. "Thank you."

The smile that came on his face became unbearably sweet. "Any time, Foster. Anytime."

Then he ran after Ro, who was strolling through a random corridor, leaving her charge behind on purpose.


After school, Sophie raced to get her homework done. Thankfully, she only had telepathy homework that day, and all Sir Tiergan wanted her to do was to give him a summary of all the rules of telepathy.

She finished her homework with 20 minutes to spare. Breathing a sigh of relief, Sophie made her way into Vertina's line of sight.

The girl in the mirror wrinkled her nose. "Come for my beauty assistance again? 'Cause your hair, is a mess!"

Sophie sighed. Well, to be fair, her hair did look as if Iggy had spent time chewing it, then rolled around in it. Besides, she still had time to spare, so why not?

She let Vertina pull her into a lengthy lecture about how to put up her hair, and finally got her hair into a French braid, with a few honey blonde locks framing her face.

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