Human Assistance Scheme

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A/N: This is written more than a month before it's supposed to be published, so no announcements except one thing.

Do y'all remember the human assistance scheme thingy? I think it's called that, but if it isn't, then eh.

Anyways, I'm an ultra nerd, so I have no idea how the world outside my continent works... Much less how the high schools in anywhere out of my country works, so everything here I mention, like the cities, countries, school names and whatever, is all fake. :)) 

Oh yeah, and anyone here a fan of HoO and PJO? Well read any mortals meet Percabeth fanfics? Well this is something like that, but more of humans meet Sokeefe. :)) 

By the way, any human here is my OC.

Usually, I would refrain from adding tiny A/Ns as comments in the story lest I interrupt your thoughts, but I couldn't resist here. :))



"Um, I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" Sophie nearly choked on air.

"Seriously Miss Foster, is what I just said that hard to comprehend?" Councillor Bronte rolled his eyes impatiently.

"No, it's just hard to take in."

"Then fine," the pointy eared councillor sighed. "I believe you well know that we've once had a Human Assistance Scheme. It was to help humans with our knowledge in a discreet manner. And since you and your friends have successfully defeated the Neverseen and whatever you did hasn't come back to bite us in 4 months... Then the Council has decided to restart this project."

"Using me," Sophie just had to clarify. "Of all people?"

"Well of course. You're the most powerful elf our world has ever known, and who else to send in than the girl whom grew up with humans? Besides, it's only to observe the humans in their high school and decide if we should progress further. Though keep in mind that you're the only one we're sending in. The rest of Team Valiant will remain at their regent duties."

"I'm only 16," She reminded him. "Well, 17 since last month, but still- "

"Which is exactly why you're the perfect one to implant into their high school," Bronte finished.  

"Okaaaaayyyy," Sophie took a deep breath. "And how long did you say it was again?"

"A year."

She cringed. Heck, Keefe wasn't going to take the news better than she had.


"A YEAR?!?!" Keefe freaked out.

Sophie grimaced, taking his hand. "I know, I know... But it's the Council's order... And not request, but like... You know..."

"You flat out rejected right?" He pleaded.

She bit her lip. "Didn't reject..." She said slowly. "And before you freak out further, I didn't accept either. I told Bronte I'd think about it."

"What did your parents say?"

"That it was my decision, but if I agreed I'd have to be careful and whatever parents usually say."

"Are you allowed to have any contact?"

"Um," Sophie leaned back against the pillows on her bed. "I'm allowed to have a human phone... And use my Imparter, but Bronte said I'll have to be careful to make sure no one hears my conversations and I'm only supposed to use my Imparter when I'm in the designated house and a whole bunch of other Bronte-y stuff he always says."

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