Movie Night

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A/N: Hello worrlllddddddd

(Ignore my weirdness, I'm just SUPER happy, 'cause my mid terms are almost over, with the easiest exam happening on Monday)

Alright, I've asked, and I've received requests from three people (whom I will tag again in the comments) for oneshots.

I'm running out of ideas, so I'd really appreciate requests, and I'm open to them, just for you to know. :))

If, or when you request, I'll dedicate the chapter to you and give you the credit for the idea.

Edit a couple months after publishing this: I'm no longer accepting requests, so please don't submit any, I'm overwhelmed with requests right now, and even after that, I have other intentions on things to write, so thanks!!

Now back to stuff about this specific chapter, this was an idea I suddenly thought of, and though it would be cute. :))

Basically a typical KOTLC gang sleepover again, but this time, they're watching horror movies.

(I'm writing this on my own weekly family movie night by the way.)

This oneshot, unlike how I usually like to write, is in no one's specific POV.

Trigger warning: Slight gruesome tiny details about the movie, please don't mind, I myself have never watched a horror movie, so I wouldn't know.


"Dex, no," Sophie protested.

"But why?" The technopath whined.

"Because no," she insisted. "You don't know how much drama it gave my human family."

"Technically, isn't drama what we do?" Biana cut in.

"Not that kind of drama!" Sophie groaned.

"Alright, vote," Keefe called. "All in favour for watching the creepy, but kinda cool looking human movie, hands up."

Biana, Dex, Fitz, Tam and Keefe raised their hands.

Everyone turned to look at Linh.

She shrugged. "I trust Sophie, if she says it's gonna be bad, then yeah... "

Sophie snorted. "Oh look, I have ONE loyal friend."

"Aww, come on, Foster," Keefe leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Ick, no bribery please," she scooted over to Linh.

Eyes whirled to Dex as his waved his fingers over the tiny device that Juline used to watch human movies.

"Ready?" He asked.

Sophie shot him a no, everyone else but Linh nodding their heads.

"Do it," said Tam evily. "I wanna see what happens."


Twenty minutes into the movie, and the world had officially gone to hell.

"Are those eyes?" Keefe squinted at the screen, still trying to figure out what the heck was happening.

"Those are eyeless sockets," Sophie's voice came muffled from a pillow as she hid behind him, cringing.

Dex grinned maniacally. "Cool, right?"

She threw her pillow at him.

Then promptly grabbed another to cover her face.

Love you forever: Sokeefe oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now