Interview with Keefe

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A/N: 'Sup... I'm back with 'Interview' Part 2. Again, I = Interviewer, K = Keefe


Interviewer: Welcome, Keefe Sencen! Pretty sure you've watched the replay of the interview with Sophie, so yeah, this'll be similar.

Keefe: Uh, yeah 'kay. Go easy on me please... Don't torture me like you did with Soph... Also, stop torturing her, I don't like it.

I: Hmm, Sophie told me you were protective... About the not torturing you, we'll see *winks*

K: Oh boy...


I: Question 1! Whaddya like about Sophie?

K: Oh come on! You said the questions would be different!

I: I didn't say that! *bats eyelashes innocently* You just made an assumption and I didn't correct you!

K: Fine! *voice lowers and turns more gentle* Foster's adorable, she'd do anything to keep the people she loves safe. She's selfless, smart, caring, and do I seriously have to give reasons to why I love her? I love everything about her except maybe the fact that she's so oblivious... Though even that's bearable.

I: *wipes eyes* You two are too cute!


I: Question 2, describe Sophie.

K: Cute, sweet, smart, brave, selfless, adorable, SUPER oblivious, kind, emotional, loyal, caring, loving, awesome, great, beautiful... *looks nervously at Interviewer* and I'm just gonna stop there before she squeals to death...

I: *squeals*

I: Also, don't expose me.


I: Just between you and me, do you intend on marrying Sophie on day?

K: *laughs nervously and mumbles* Uhh, if Foster says yes...

I: *squeals to death once more*


I: Question 3, (not counting the last one) what do you intend to do after you graduate from Foxfire?

K: *casually* Never thought about it.

I: Seriously?

K: Hey! I'm a free thinker!


I: Question 4, what would you change about you?

K: My parents.

I: *stares at him* I'm so sorry.

K: Hey I don't want your pity!

I: It's not pity! It's-

K: Empathy right? Or sympathy? Yeah I already guessed your lines, you sound like Foster. I need a subject change here!


I: Question 5, what ability would you like to have?

K: Telepathy.

I: *Smirks and thinks about what Sophie said* And why is that?

K: 'Cause then I'd be more prepared when Foster transmits to me, and I won't almost pee my pants everytime she does it.

I: ...


I: Question 6, who inspires you, or rather, motivates you to keep fighting?

K: Myself.

I: Wait, really?

K: Yeah... I tell myself that if I die, Foster will be all alone, and I can't bear to see her sad...

I: Aww, bittersweet answer!


I: Question 7, what's your biggest regret?

K: Remember that time I 'betrayed' Sophie at one of the Neverseen hideouts, and let her capture Brant and Ruy, but took the Alluvettre crystal and Alvar?

I: Yeah?

K: Well I regret that. One thing is I gave Alvar a chance to escape, but for the most part, I almost lost Sophie's trust forever...

I: Yeah, well that happens when you betray someone. So don't do that again!


I: Question 8, who's your favourite member of the Collective?

K: Hmm... Never thought of it! Let's see... Forky and Granite are too annoying, GEEZ! Can you imagine!? Demanding me to read 'The Heart Of Matter' Hmph... I don't know Blur well enough... Wraith either... But ooh! Squall's good! She's the mom of my heroes!

I: Dex?

K: Nope, the triplets. *Smirks* That's right, Dexy!

I: *facepalm*


I: Question 9, which bodyguard do you like the best?

K: You can't ask that, it's like asking me if spending time with Sophie
is more fun than pranking mentors... It's impossible to choose!

(Sophie behind the camera: *Epic sigh for so long that she passed out and FOSTERED IT again and had to call Elwin.* )


I: Last question! *smirks* Who do you think signed you up for this?

K: I thought it was Biana?

I: Biana signed Sophie up, not you.

K: Then Dex?

I: Nope.

K: Fitzy?

I: Nah.

K: What the heck, just tell me!

I: Tam.

K: *freaks out* WHAT THE HECK, BANGS BOY?!?!?

I: *sniggers* Yep, he asked me to tell you that's what you get when you make an enemy out of him.

K: ... I have no comments...

K: *mentally thinks* I have no comments, but A LOT of pranking supplies on hand...


A/N: And that's a wrap! Nice, this was way more fun than Sophie's actually... As expected... *smirks* Well, third part of Sokeefe interview coming soon! So stay tuned!!

Word count (from now on, all word counts exclude A/Ns unless I say otherwise): 705 words


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