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A/N: Fine, I know I'm supposed to be doing a sick version of Sophie, but I'm more desperate to write this instead. :))

Some parts might be a little cringey, so bear with me. :))

Also, per request, I will add songs for chapters, except I'll only do that for sad chapters, or chapters where I can actually find suitable songs... I'm a nerd, trust me, and I know very little songs...

Sorry it's a little late, I was updating my other book...

By the way, I have two REALLY close IRL friends on Wattpad, and it's too annoying to keep tagging them, so I'll identify them by:

@Pokespeshipper : Sakura

@Jimin-is-a-mochi : Jenna 

Btw you two, no spoilers in this chapter only, so you can read this, but for gods' sake don't read anything else.

Oh, to clear the air, I know some people think my name is Alison, but my real name isn't exactly that. Alison is just a name I like and decided to use it as my username, my real name has nothing to do with Alison, so yeah, thanks!

Ooh, additional announcement, like the new cover? ^_^



What did Keefe love about Sophie?

Well, that was a long list. Now, let's see...

He loved her eyes. How they were warm brown instead of cold blue like other elves'.

He loved how they would light up and fill with love whenever she saw him.

He loved her nose, that would adorably scrunch up whenever he teased her and she failed to do it back.

He loved her lips. How he would feel blissfully in love when he kissed them. How every time she smiled, he felt like doing the same.

He loved her hair. Loved burying his face into it and breathe in her scent.

He loved her shoulders. How he could rest his head or chin on them and she would never complain.

He loved her voice. It would be the only thing keeping him tethered to his sanity when he felt like breaking.

He loved her hands. How it would naturally reach up to rub the crease in his forehead when he was frustrated or stressed.

How he could just do nothing but hold it for the entire day without feeling bored.

He loved her height. It made him able to kiss her forehead without tiptoeing or leaning down.

He loved her smile. Seeing it could make everything in the world be alright again.

He loved her heartbeat. Just hearing it would make him calm down, knowing that she was alive.

He loved her laugh. It was such a melodic sound that displayed her happiness in such an ethereal way.

Above all, he loved how she loved him. They'd both give up the world and their own lives for each other, and they knew it.

Every smile they shared.

Every time they looked at each other.

Each time one made the other laugh.

She was the only one who could make him feel loved. Feel like the happiest and luckiest person alive.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster.



What did Sophie love about Keefe?

Her list was equally long. Maybe even longer.

She loved his hair. He'd forbid her to touch it, then let her do it anyways to make her smile.

She loved his ice blue eyes. She could stare at them for hours and never get bored. The pain, guilt and love for her in them.

She loved his lips. When she kissed them, she felt like she was in absolute heaven. When he smiled, smirked or grinned, it instantly lifted her mood.

She loved his broad shoulders. Loved burying her face or head in them and fall asleep.

She loved how he was taller than her. She was just tall enough to bury her face into the crook of his neck.

She loved his deep voice. Whether it was listening to him complain about his mentors, plan pranks, or even cooing at her to make her fall sleep, just hearing it made her happy.

She loved his hands. Holding them felt like holding on to an anchor to the world.

She loved his smile. After they'd been through so much, he deserved to smile more often.

And not a grin or a smirk. A genuine smile. Those always made her heart melt.

She loved his heartbeat. It was calming somehow. Reassuring.

She loved his laugh. Whether or not his laugh was real, she could tell. But when it was, she felt like everything in the world would be alright again.

She loved how he'd rub circles into her back to soothe her whenever she was upset.

Most importantly, she loved how he loved her. Unconditional love that would bring her out of the depths of darkness.

Sure, he wasn't perfect. But he was perfect for her.

And she'd never loved anyone more.

And she never will love anyone more.

Never love anyone more than her Keefe Sencen.




I am very sorry. @_@

Yeesh, this is such a short chapter...

On the bright side, I updated another one after this. :))

Actually, I was so excited to write this that I wrote it 2 weeks in advance. X3


Given a choice, which dead KOTLC character would you rather revive?

To be honest, I can't decide... Probably Jolie I guess?

I'm soooooo sorry... TwT

Alright, forgive me for this chapter please... Bye!!

Word count: 661 words


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