A Change Of Plans

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Okay, so as you can probably tell from the title, there has been a change of plans.

So after some thought, I realised that my Spy AU will be much much longer than I initailly thought. Like as in, 10 more chapters than I initially thought...

Henceforth, after getting the permission from the ever so generous Foosball342, I'll be writing a new book specifically in a Spy AU.

Okay, so this Spy AU will begin the same way as how I started Parts 1 and 2, and will basically continue from there.

Again, it is based off Foosball342 's book, 'Agent Moonlark'.

Check out her awesome story if you haven't already!

But of course, I won't be copying the story exactly, and will change some parts IMMENSELY. I'll also be adding and taking away certain characters.

For example, Foosball342's version mentions that Jolie died. In my version, (spoiler alert!) Jolie is alive, and only 4 years older than Sophie.

(For more details on Foosball342's book, please read the chapter I wrote titled 'Agent Moonlark'.)

After I publish my Spy AU book, I'll have 2 books, and will be 'juggling' between updating both at the same time. So my updates for this book won't be as frequent.

In addition, because 2021 is starting, of course I'll be going back to school.

Starting from 5 January, during weekdays, unless absolutely necessary, I'm not allowed to use my phone. :( So I'll only be updating on weekends, but at least a chapter each for both books. :)

Side note, I'll be 12 this year, and in my country, everyone at the age of twelve has to take a national exam to see if they qualify for high school.

So the exam will be REALLY important to me, and although my results have always been pretty much slightly above average, I really want to excel in it...

Plus, before that, in like March to about August, there will also be 3 rounds of full examinations... *sigh*

My point is, during the periods where it's nearing the exams, I'll have to study, and won't be updating as often. But don't worry, as usual, I'll be updating as much as I can, and I'll also be mentioning in a few A/Ns at the end of the stories if I will or will not be doing the weekly updates.

I think that's it, thanks for reading, and I'll try to update soon. :)


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