Eleven Years Part 2 of 2

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A/N: Warning: if you're one to cry easily, bring tissues and go where no one can't see you.

I was the one who wrote this, and writing it made even me emotional... That's saying something, 'cause I don't cry often...

Go read it!

This story is in Sokeefe's POV.



"N- Not possible," she choked, backing into the tree behind her. She glanced down at the label on the ground. Keefe's name was still there. So who was this?

"Y- You're d- dead," tears blurred her vision. Sophie shook her head furiously.

"You've got to be another hallucination. Stop it! It's not funny! Stop- Stop toying with my feelings and pretending to be my dead husband," a strangled sob escaped through her lips.

The Keefe standing in front of her took a cautious step forward. "Hey, it's me, Foster. For real. I didn't- I didn't die."

Sophie squatted down and put her head in her hands. "This has got to be a joke."

He crouched down next to her, gently brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Not a joke, Foster."

She shivered at his touch. She'd missed it.

Sophie looked up into his ice blue eyes. They were filled with pain. But at the same time, relief. And love.

They looked a lot like Kenric's eyes. If not the same.

Keefe wrapped his arms around her. Sophie hugged him back and sobbed into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Sophie," he whispered. "I didn't mean to make you think I- "

She leaned back to look at him, sniffling. "Eleven years, Keefe. Where have you been?"

He stiffened. "My mom," he mumbled. "Back to her tricks again."

Sophie immediately scanned him for injuries. "What happened?"

Keefe punched the floor. "She got this... Really powerful flasher, that made me look like I faded... Made everyone- made you think I was dead. Then she got Gethen to erase my memories. Most of them. Especially ones of you."

He looked at the ground. "But they slipped. They used the term 'moonlark' and everything came back to me. I'm so so so sorry, Foster."

Sophie squeezed him into a hug. "I missed you so much," she whispered.

Keefe gave her a sad smile. "I missed you too, Soph. I've always felt like something was missing. When I finally remembered you... I realised what that thing was."

"I knew you would be here. That's one of the things I love about you. You're painfully nostalgic, Foster. I confronted my mom after I remembered everything. And as of an hour ago, she's waiting for a tribunal. As are everyone else in the Neverseen."

He kissed her forehead. Sophie missed that feeling. "It must have been so hard on you," he mumbled.

Sophie didn't have to be the empath to know that he felt ashamed.

"It was harder on Kenric," she admitted without thinking.

Keefe frowned. "Isn't Kenric d- "

She clasped a hand over her mouth, realising that the father and son had never met. Keefe didn't even know he had a son.

She stood up and took his hands. Sophie looked into his eyes. "Not Councillor Kenric. Kenric Sencen. Your son."

Keefe took a step back. "I... Who... How... WHAT?!?!"

Sophie nodded. "I passed out right here after your planting. Turns out, I was pregnant."

Keefe swallowed a lump in his throat. "Where- Where is he?"



Keefe swallowed a lump in his throat. "Where- Where is he?"

Just then, a voice behind them said, "Mom?"

Sophie turned. So did Keefe. He froze. So did the boy in front of him.

Both turned to Sophie for explanation. She bent down and spread her arms towards the boy. "Come here, baby."

The boy should have been Kenric. He hesitated slightly before falling into her embrace.

"What's going on, Mom?" He said in a muffled voice.

"Dad's alive," Sophie whispered.

Kenric blinked and glanced back and forth between both parents. "You said Dad was... D- Dead."

She shook her head. "That's what we thought," she corrected. "But Dad had to leave for a while. Now he's back."

Kenric pulled away from Sophie and stared at Keefe.

"Dad?" He said uncertainly. Keefe knelt down to get a better look at him.

His son had the same ice blue eyes he had. With the exact same mischievous glint in them. Except that glint was buried under sadness at the moment.

His hair was blonde, like both his parents. But Keefe could tell that specific shade of blonde was Sophie's.

Sophie's high cheekbones.

His sharp jawline.

Keefe hugged Kenric. Who melted in his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"It's okay," Kenric mumbled. "Mom looked after me."

The two of them looked up at Sophie, who was watching them with tearful eyes.

"C'mere, Foster," Keefe whispered, holding out a hand.

She fell into his arms.

The three smiled at each other through tears.

The Sencen family was together.

Finally together, reunited after eleven years.


A/N: Did ya cry? Did ya cry? Did ya cry?

I hope you did. >:) It would mean my writing has improved. *Smiles innocently*

Back to all seriousness, I'm really regretting making Kenric 11... It's really weird when either one of his parents 'bend down' to hug him... Eh, it's too late to change it now...

I should have made him like, 5 or 6 or something...

Did ya like it? Sorry it's so short... Well, short by my standards.

Question Of The Chapter (QOTC):

Which KOTLC cover do you like the best?

Mine's Exile. 'Cause OBVIOUSLY!!!

Sokeefe + Silveny = Happy Fandom :)

Hope you enjoyed it!

'Cya next week! Bye!

Word count: 773 words


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