30. Finding Immersion

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Stepping into the shower my skin burns from the heat of the water but I ignore it knowing I have less than an hour to get myself ready to Suzy-May's standards of cute. I ordered the Uber before getting into the shower and the cost came up to fifty dollars, I'm just hoping that my Dad doesn't check his card bill this month.

Sure maybe I could've just settled for the cheapest option but I had to get a lux, I'm not that much of a heathen.

Scrubbing at my skin I'm grateful for the fact my Grandparent's are round at a friends house so that I don't have to explain to them why I'm planning on going round to Suzy-May's place for a sleepover wearing a full face of makeup.

After an in depth shave, washing my face and dreads I turn the hot water off. A chill goes down my spine as the cold air from the open bathroom window hits my body so I quickly get out of the shower and wrap myself as well as my hair up two towels.

Tapping my hands on the porcelain bathroom sink I look down at my makeup that I earlier laid across the counter. My moisturiser goes on first before I start on some thick wing liner, followed by a heavy but suitable layer of blush to my cheeks, some mascara to on both my lashes and my eyebrows. Finishing off my face by lining my lips with a brown lipliner and applying a thick coat of clear lipgloss to blending it together slightly with my finger.

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror satisfied with how I look I gather all my makeup putting it back inside the bag before zipping it up and leaving it on the counter. I drop my towel to the floor from my now dry body, chuck it in the hamper then walk back to the bedroom.

One layer of deodorant later I'm standing stark naked in front of the open wardrobe scanning the rail for something to wear.

With a sigh I pick out a red vintage band tee that I had cut both the neckline and sleeves of as well as one of my favourite black mini skirts that secures in the front to the side with large metal paper clips.

I really didn't pack any real going out clothes, I truly thought that I would be kept a prisoner in this room all summer.

Putting on my clothes I realise my neck is missing something, opening the side drawer of the bedside table cabinet I retrieve the gold necklace Yasmine had given me last week and clasp it round my neck, taking my dreads out of their towel at the same time.

Deciding to let them stay hanging around my shoulders, I slide a hair tie on my wrist just in case I change my mind.

A notification alert blares from my phone, I pick it up taking it off from charge. A slight nervous feeling forming in the pit of my stomach when I see that my Uber has arrived.

I better not end up at a fucking crack house.     


Forty-five minutes and one awkwardly silent car ride later the car stops outside a large club. The word 'Immersion' In large bright neon blue writing hung up on the sleek black building. We drove past the line leading up to the club that started from around the corner of the block, but I didn't see Suzy-May in it which confused me.

As I hop out of the Uber and onto the pavement, meeting eyes with the large bouncer guarding the front door as he lets in a group of guys. His gaze is like steel so I quickly avert my eyes and they land on a group of girls leaning against the side of the building, that doesn't have a long queue attached to it,  sharing a joint and holding their bags close. 

"Haz! You're here!" Suzy-May exclaims handing the joint to a very tense looking Liberty before running over to me in a champagne colour silk dress and white heels, giving me a quick hug then intertwines my arm with hers leading me over to the others.

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