8. Finding Trouble

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Ringing, very loud, constant ringing wakes me up from my sleep. I didn't dream last night, I never do when I go to sleep high. I'm once again coated in layer of sweat, great. Can the heat just calm down for two seconds and let me sleep without waking up looking like something straight of a horror movie. 

Ignoring the fact I feel and look gross at the moment I search around to find the source of the insistent ringing that feels like someone is non stop attacking my head with a hammer. I crawl out from under the bed covers and stand up on the hardwood floor looking everywhere till I realise the sound is coming from the other side of the bedroom door.

Glaring at the door I stomp over to it and swing it open, sitting right on the floor screaming its head off is a small blue old fashioned alarm clock.

Fucking lovely.

I pick up the alarm clock, see that the time is five-thirty in the morning and without hesitation I throw it as hard as humanly possible down the hallway so it lands at the bottom of the stairs. I smirk when I hear it break into pieces.

"Good fucking morning to you to" I announce loudly to absolutely no one before going back into the bedroom and closing the door behind me.

The first thing that I notice now that the ringing has stopped is that the feeling of someone constantly pounding my head in, wasn't from the noise but is definitely from the vodka and pills from last night.

Rolling my eyes I flop face down on the bed and let out a groan, every part of my body aches as I roll over and face the ceiling. I look out the window and see that the sun has already risen enough to make my eyes sting from the light so I squeeze them shut.

Someone loudly knocks on the door as if they just knew I already felt like shit and wanted to make it worse.

"What" I mumble loud enough for them to hear me.

The door opens, I don't bother to lift my head and open my eyes to see who it is and instead bring my hands to rest under my face.

"Harry you have work in an hour so you better start getting ready now" My grandma's voice fills the room "theres money for lunch downstairs on the kitchen table".

"Whatever" I roll back over onto my front and groan again.

"Come on get up" She coaxes me gently and I internally scream, can she just leave me the fuck alone my head hurts Jesus Christ.

She starts to walk over to me and in a quick effort to stop her coming towards me I put my thumb up and nod keeping my head planted in the duvet cover, I'm guessing my eyes are bloodshot right now and I don't need to be dealing with her questions.

"Alright then I'm heading back to bed... have a lovely day" She stops in her tracks hesitating slightly before turning round and leaving the bedroom closing the door behind her.

I stay exactly where I am for the next three minutes letting my head sort itself out before finally rolling back over for and sitting up. I get off the bed and reach underneath it to pull out my shoes. I slip my hand inside one and bring out the pills. I take a white one out and swallow it dry just like yesterday, Cain you are a life saver and you don't even know it.

Leaning down I dig into my duffle bag ,pick out a change of clothes and grab my work shirt from it's place on the floor where I left it discarded yesterday.

After heading to the bathroom and having a quick shower, along with doing my skincare and putting on some light makeup. Sticking with just mascara, blush and lipgloss. I slide into a pair of basic light blue acid wash jean shorts and chuck on the shirt with that stupid fish logo on it, and keep my dreads tied up in a makeshift bun.

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